

Scarface (Original Title)

A young Cuban refugee, Tony flees to Miami and becomes a typical American street gangster who is not afraid of the world. He works for a local drug lord and is quickly recognized for his ruthlessness and courage, helping the boss to complete several tasks with great distinction and becoming his first right-hand man.


- We can be outta this place in 30 days. Not only that, but we got a green card and a job in Miami. Now are we made or are we made, man?
- What do we gotta do? Go to Cuba and hit the beard or what?
- 我们30天后就能出去,不仅如此,我们还能拿到绿卡,然后在迈阿密工作,咱们有搞头了吧?
- 我们要做什么?去古巴杀掉卡斯特罗吗?

EN: You tell your guys in Miami-- your friend--it'd be a pleasure. l kill a Communist for fun, but for a green card, l gonna carve him up real nice.
CN: 告诉你的迈阿密朋友,我乐意效劳,杀共产党已够痛快,为了绿卡更要把他碎尸万段。

EN: Even if l were blind, desperate, starved and begging for it on a desert island, you'd be the last thing l'd ever fuck.
CN: 就算我瞎了眼,在一个荒岛上欲火焚身,我也不会看上你。

EN: I thought of this the other day. A line of blue jeans, right? With my name written on the back of chicks' asses.
CN: 我某天有了这个想法,我要开牛仔裤工厂,把我的名字钉在那些女人的屁股上。

EN: This country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the woman.
CN: 在美国要先赚钱,有了钱就有权势,有了权势就有女人。

EN: The guys who last in this business... are the guys who fly straight--low-key, quiet. And the guys who want it all--chicas, champagne, flash--they don't last.
CN: 想在这行待得长久,必须稳扎稳打,低调、安静,至于想通吃,想要女人、香槟的人都不长久。

EN: They been around a thousand years. They got all the angles figured out. You know what capitalism is? Gettin' fucked.
CN: 一千年来都如此,他们老谋深算,资本主义是什么?就是被算计。

- lt seems at times all you can do is put your finger in the dike and pray. 
- Put your fingers in a dike? The only place you can get your fingers in some dyke.
- 看起来大家能做的 就是手指堵堤缝,自求多福了。
- 手指堵堤缝?你的手指唯一可以插的地方,就是女同性恋的缝。

EN: Not by outlawing the substances, but by legalizing and taxing them. These voices say that will drive out the organized crime element.
CN: 不是宣布这些东西为不合法,而是使之合法化并加以收税,有人说这办法可以消除犯罪。

EN: lt's the fuckin' bankers, the politicians--they're the ones that wanna make coke illegal! So they can make the fuckin' money, and they get the fuckin' votes! They fightin' the bad guys. They're the bad guys! They fuck anything and anyone.
CN: 该死的银行家、政客,他们要使毒品这一行非法,如此才能赚黑钱,人们给他们投票,他们抓坏人,他们才是坏人…

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