EN: Okay, out with it. My mother gave me 20 bucks to dance with you. Yeah, well, you dance like a pussy.
CN: 我就直说吧,我妈给我20块跟妳跳舞,你跳舞像个娘儿们。
EN: You don't want to wait too long. Forget meat on the grill, and it will dry out.
CN: 你不要一直拖下去,肉烤久了也会变干。
EN: Sometimes your body knows what you really want.
CN: 有时候妳的身体知道妳要什么。
EN: Americans like soy sauce. I'm going to start eating less soy sauce...so it won't stain the baby too dark.
CN: 美国人就爱吃酱油,我得少吃点,免得把我宝宝养黑了。
EN: My stomach sings arias...spouts poetry, proofs.
CN: 我的肚子会唱咏叹曲,还会念诗。
EN: There's an old tradition in Shanghai. They pick their son-in-law based on his skill at extracting his crab meat.
CN: 听说上海有个规矩,挑女婿的时候,要看他吃大闸蟹的本事。
- Ma. I love you. And I'm gay.
- How can you say those two things at once? How can you tell me you love me...then throw that in my face?
- 妈,我爱妳,我也是同性恋。
- 怎么可以一口气说这两件事?一面说妳爱我,一面这样伤我的心。
EN: You've said this is the way fate would have it, but if it is your fate to do your father's bidding...then it is my fate to try and undo yours.
CN: 你一直认为这一切都是命中注定,可是假如你的父亲老主宰你的命运的话,那我最大的幸运就是把你从命运的枷锁里面解放出来。
EN: Well, a full belly conquers all.
CN: 吃顿好的,人生观都能改变。
EN: Most people don't want to hear the truth until after lunch. Fate is for the lazy.
CN: 人哪,还得靠自己努力,懒人才会被命运牵着鼻子走。