Russian Doll Season 2

Russian Doll Season 2 

Russian Doll (Original Title)

Set four years after this and continuing its humorous and sci-fi exploration of existentialism, Season 2 of Russian Doll sees Natia and Alan discover that there are worse fates than endless death, with an unexpected passage through time at one of Manhattan's most infamous locations, which leads the pair to delve into their own past...


Time's got a real sick sense of humor, Nora.

We always think that closure is something we can find out there in the world, as if we can find it in another person, or a confession, or an apology. See, in the end, nothing can absolve us but ourselves.

Trauma is a topographical map written on the child, and it takes a lifetime to read.

I-- I like spending time there. It's…It's nice not to have to worry what people think when they see me.
我喜欢在那边生活 那种…‎不需要在意别人的眼光,‎那种感觉也太舒服了。

Nothing in this world is easy except pissing in the shower.

‎Everything falls down. Closer to the center of the Earth you are, the closer you are to the truth. Gravity.

We can't escape being the product of things we can't change.

- If you could choose your mother all over, would you choose me again?
- Yeah, I didn't choose you the first time, but I guess that's just how the story goes, huh, Mom?
-‎ 如果可以重新选择,‎你还会选择我当你妈妈吗?
-‎ 对啊,我一开始并没有选择你,‎如今看来,故事只能这么走下去了,‎对吧妈妈?

Come on. This is real Thelma & Thelma, huh? Swear to God, this fucking re-parenting shit is gonna give me an aneurysm. That means you're gonna get a baby aneurysm.

"As the Soviet army advanced on Budapest in 1944, the Schutzstaffel sought to evacuate the possessions of Hungarian Jews. They forced Jewish families to hand over items of value, including jewelry, watches, paintings, rugs, silverware, porcelain, record players, timepieces. These were placed on a train to Berlin, and each family was issued a receipt under the pretense they would one day see their belongings returned. This never happened, as the location of the train was lost after the Nazis surrendered in 1945. Many suspect that soldiers looted the train and kept some of the itemsfor themselves."
“1944年 苏联进击布达佩斯后,‎纳粹德国党卫队设法‎将匈牙利籍犹太人的财产运出境,‎纳粹逼迫犹太家庭交出贵重物品,‎包括珠宝、手表、画作、地毯,‎银器、瓷器、电唱机和时钟,‎这些贵重物品‎都被搬到一列前往柏林的火车上,‎他们给每个家庭发放单据,‎目的是误导他们以为日后‎能取回属于他们的财物,结果事与愿违,‎纳粹在1945年投降后,‎这列火车从此下落不明,‎人们怀疑火车上的财物‎已经被纳粹士兵搜刮一空,‎占为己有”

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