EN: It's not ants, it's called minimalists, minimalists, living a simple life of giving up all their possessions, it's not the bottom of the social ladder, there's a serious misunderstanding, it's not the same at all, it's thoughtful.
CN: 不是蚂蚁,这叫极简主义者,极简主义者,过着放弃全部财产的简单生活,这可不是社会底层啊,大家都存在严重误解,根本不一样,这是有思想的。
EN: Look how fresh and bright the vegetables are, having touched the soil, having left sweat, eating vegetables grown like this, it makes you feel good to be alive.
CN: 瞧,这蔬菜多鲜亮,接触过泥土、留下过汗水,吃着这样种出来的蔬菜,就会觉得活着真好。
EN: If you have the heart to find these small happiness, then how you can survive, a moment of hardship is nothing. If you are poor, lonely, and driven to desperation, just say "I don't have any money on me", and rest assured that there is no way out.
CN: 有心发现这些小幸福的话,那你怎么都能撑过去,一时的困顿算不了什么。要是因为穷啊孤独啊,被逼得走投无路,就大大方方地说“我身上没钱”,放心,天无绝人之路。
EN: Although it's out of season, let's imagine a luxurious blowfish dish being eaten in the mansion over there, the delicately stacked and delicately placed blowfish sashimi is crystal clear, just pick up 3 pieces with chopsticks, dip them in some orange vinegar with spicy radish puree and send them to your mouth, there's a tender and popping sound that you just can't stop, how about that? You hear that?
CN: 虽然不合时节,来想象一下,那边的宅院里正在吃奢华的河豚料理,精致相叠、精巧摆放的河豚刺身晶莹剔透,就这样用筷子夹起3片,蘸上些加辣萝卜泥的橙醋,送入口中,有种嫩滑弹牙的回声,简直欲罢不能,怎么样,听到了吗?嫩滑弹牙的声音。
EN: Eating alone doesn't give you the same flavor as eating with a partner.
CN: 这吃饭啊,自己一人吃可尝不到搭伙一起吃的那种香味。
EN: I can't help but want to kick that bulging belly, probably angry with myself for not being her, I just saw one, I especially want to kick it, how like an animal, ah, deeply considered their thoughts on pregnant women, suddenly in a bad mood, don't worry, I've never kicked, babies are so cute, I also believe that I will never cross the line in a thought, but the terrible thing is that deep inside themselves will actually have such thoughts, just think about it It's scary to think that humans are so horrible.
CN: 一看那个隆起的肚子就忍不住想踢一脚,可能气自己不是她吧,刚看到一个,我就特想踢一脚,多像动物啊,深刻考虑了自己对孕妇的想法,忽然心情就不好了,别担心,我从来都没踢过,婴儿都那么可爱,我也相信自己绝不会在一念间越线,但可怕的是自己内心深处居然会有这种念头,光想想都觉得人类太恐怖了。
EN: I was about 3 or 4 years old when a typhoon was blowing at night, and I was too scared to sleep, so my father said I'll tell you a story. Spider silk. It says that the people who fell into hell, trying to follow the spider silk to heaven, but almost to heaven, the spider silk suddenly broke, and everyone fell back into hell, and then ah, and then heard the sound of the wind is only the horrible sound of hell.
CN: 大概是我3、4岁吧,夜里刮台风,轰隆轰隆地吓得睡不着,父亲就说我给你讲个故事吧,你知道讲的什么故事?蜘蛛丝。说是坠入地狱的人们,想顺着蜘蛛丝去往天国,但是差一点就到天国时,蜘蛛丝忽然噗呲一下断了,所有人又掉回了地狱,后来啊,再听到的风声就只剩地狱的恐怖声音了。
EN: Does a crap life run in the family? My mother is a bad person and my father is out of tune, will this affect me?
CN: 人生一塌糊涂会遗传吗?我母亲人品差,父亲也不着调,这会影响我吗?
EN: Many of the people who died alone to death fell facing the door, mostly because they couldn't cope with the sudden or occasional death and wanted to escape from the house or were ready to go to the door, and the bodies of the suicides were commonly facing the house.
CN: 孤独至死的很多人,都是面朝着门倒下的,大多是因为无法应对突发或偶发的死亡,想从屋中逃出去或是准备去开门,而自杀者的尸体普遍都面朝屋内。
EN: It is rare to marry a pyrotechnician in this life, but in the end, I still want to make fireworks and launch them high into the night sky, grinding the ashes of my deceased wife, with a sense of unspeakable happiness, grinding the ashes and gunpowder together into the fireworks container, a huge two-foot jade firework, hitting the sky at once.
CN: 这辈子难得嫁个烟火师,到头来还是想做成烟花,发射向高高的夜空,磨着亡妻的骨灰,有种无法言喻的幸福感,磨碎的骨灰和火药一起放进烟花容器,硕大的二尺玉烟花,一下打到天上去。
EN: I don't really understand about Mukolitta, it's probably like this day, brewing this unique sky, and then dissipated, we feel the passage of time may be a moment.
CN: 须臾,其实我也不太明白,大概就如今日一般,酝酿出这独特的天色,随即又消散而去,我们从中感受到的时间流逝或许就是须臾。