Quotes from Rick:
EN: Your geldon convertor is pretty dinged up. ObradianThat's because my grandson drives like a male Obravadian. Yeah, I said it. Some stereotypes are based in fact.
CN: 你的盖尔顿转换器坏得真厉害,因为我孙子开飞船开得像个雄性的,我就开地图炮了,有些所谓偏见纯属事实如此。
EN: That's planning for failure, Morty. Even dumber than regular planning.
CN: 别为失败做打算,比平庸还要愚蠢。
EN: Giant head in the sky, please forgive all that we've done. We're sorry for our increased levels of emissions and our racism and, of course, the Amber Alerts I keep ignoring on my phone.
CN: 空中的巨头,请原谅我们做过的一切,原谅我们的排放量越来越大,种族歧视,当然还有我一直无视手机上的安珀警报。
EN: It's society. They work for each other, Morty. They pay each other. They buy houses. They get married and make children that replace them when they get too old to make power.
CN: 这叫社会,他们在为彼此工作,互相付钱,在这儿买房子,结婚生子,孩子在他们老了以后代替他们继续发电。
EN: You're my battery, mother...That's all you are.
CN: 你不过是我的电池,你不过是电池而已。
EN: Weddings are basically funerals with cake.
CN: 婚礼说白了就是带蛋糕的葬礼而已。
EN: Listen, I'm not the nicest guy in the universe because I'm the smartest. And being nice is something stupid people do. To hedge their bets. Now, I haven't been exactly subtle about how little I trust marriage. I couldn't make it work, and I could turn a black hole into a sun. So at a certain point, you got to ask yourself What are the odds this is legit. And not just some big lie we're all telling ourselves. Because we're afraid to die alone? Because, you know, that's exactly how we all die, alone.
CN: 我不是宇宙里的最好的人,因为我是最聪明的那个,与人为善是那些蠢货干的事,以此来弥补他们的愚蠢,我还没挑明了说,我到底多不相信婚姻,我无法维持我的婚姻,尽管我能把黑洞变回恒星,所以到了某一时刻,我们必须扪心自问,这是个正确决定的几率有多渺茫,说不定这只是我们的自我欺骗,因为我们不想孤独终老,因为这恰恰是我们死的方式,独自死亡。
EN: Well, we tried a couples' therapist. That's earth therapy. You might as well ask a horse to fix a merry-go-round. I mean, he'll try his best, but mostly, He's just gonna get horrified.
CN: 我们试过一次婚姻咨询,那是地球上的心理咨询,就好比找一匹马来修旋转木马,它再怎么想努力也只能被吓坏而已。
EN: Here's the deal. I'm not here to judge. I'm just a guy from another planet. But this girl is one of your poor people, and I guess you guys felt like it was okay to subject her to inhuman conditions because there was no chance of it ever hurting you. It's sort of the socio-political equivalent of, say, a suit of power armor around you.
CN: 事情是这样的,我不想评价你们的做法,我只是个从别的星球来的普通人,但是这女孩是你们穷人中的一员,我猜你们很心安理得地让她处在毫不人道的环境中,因为这样永远没有机会能伤害到你们,这在社会政治层面上就好比有一身武装盔甲。
Quotes from Unity:
EN: I realize now that I'm attracted to you for the same reason I can't be with you. You can't change. And I have no problem with that, but it clearly means I have a problem with myself. I'm sure there's no perfect version of me I'm sure I'll just unify species after species and never really be complete. But I know how it goes with us. I lose who I am and become part of you.
CN: 我现在懂了,你吸引我的地方,正是我不能和你在一起的原因,你无法改变,这不是坏事,但对我来说却是无法迈过的一道坎,我知道完美的我并不存在,我知道我会同化一个接一个的种族,却永远无法真正的完美,但我知道我们的结局,我会失去自我,成为你的一部分。
EN: Because in a strange way, You're better at what I do without even trying.
CN: 最为奇怪的就在于此,明明是我的专长,你毫不费力便胜过了我。
Quotes from Beth:
EN: Jerry, remember that time you left a comment underneath that YouTube video and someone replied and called you a dumbass, so you replied and told them, It takes one to know one," And you stayed up all night hitting "Refresh" On your browser waiting for them to reply and then you fell asleep crying? This is like that. You can't make people like you. You just have to wait for hating you to bore them.
CN: Jerry,你还记得那次你在一个YouTube视频,下面留言然后有人回复你,说你是个傻逼 然后你回复了他们说"傻逼才看谁都像傻逼" ,然后你整晚都在刷新网页,等他们回复,最后还哭着睡着了么?这次跟那回一样,你没法让所有人都喜欢你,你就只能等着他们恨你恨腻了。
Quotes from Summer:
EN: It shoved the bad thoughts into the back and put a wall around them. RickBut those bad thoughts are the real Rick. The fact that you're old, the fact that we're all going to die, one day, the fact that the universe is so big, nothing in it matters, those facts are who you are.
CN: 这副躯体把坏的想法压在心底,掩藏起来,但那些想法属于真正的你已经年迈的事实,我们终有一天会死的事实,宇宙很大,任何事都很渺小的事实,这些事实才造就真正的你。
EN: I belong to an entire species of gear people. Calling me "Gearhead" is like calling a chinese person "Asia face."
CN: 我是齿轮人中的一员,叫我"机头",就等于管一个中国人叫"黄脸佬"。
EN: You know the reason why I ripped my chains out of the wall? And do you know why i'm never coming back to this planet? Because the two of you are the [bleep] worst! You both hate yourselves and each other. And the idea that it has anything to do with rick is laughable. I'd laugh, but I'm biologically incapable. That's how alien I am. And even I'm sitting here listening to the two of you And being like, "What the [bleep]" So good luck with your shitty marriage, And tell rick I'm sorry he has to deal with either of you.
CN: 你们知道我为何要挣脱掉镣铐的吗?你们知道为何我决定再不返回这个星球吗?因为你们俩简直不可理喻,你们厌恶对方,更厌恶自己,还把这一切怪到Rick身上,简直可笑,我都憋不住了,可惜我没笑这功能,因为我他妈是个外星人,但外星人如我听到你俩在那里逼逼叨,都[哔]的受不了了,好了祝你们俩这烂婚百年好合,请转告Rick我很同情他摊上你们这种人。
EN: Earth is just one of my many stops on a lifelong journey with no destination. So you better believe I don't care if it blows up, because I'll just be ice floating through space,like a comet.
CN: 地球只不过是我停歇的一小站,我一生的旅程不会有终点,你最好搞清楚,地球炸了我一点都不在乎,我只是一块漂流于宇宙的冰,像一颗彗星。
EN: How often do you think you might look up at the stars Rickand wonder what might have been had you just put your faith in Rick?
CN: 你难道不会时常仰望星空,试想当初如果选择相信Rick,这一切又是何等情形吗?
The worlds can be one together
Cosmos without hatred
Stars like diamonds in your eyes
The ground can be space space space space space
with feet marching towards a peaceful sky
All the moon men want things their way
But we make sure they see the sun
Goodbye, moon men
You say goodbye, moon men
The worlds can be one together
Cosmos without hatred
Stars like diamonds in your eyes
Goodbye, moon men
You say goodbye, moon men
Goodbye, moon men
Cosmos without hatred
Diamond stars with cosmic light
Quasars shine through endless night
And everything is one in the beauty
And now we say goodbye
再见吧 月中人
说再见吧 月中人
再见 月中人
说再见吧 月中人
再见 月中人
- Okay, so let me get this straight. For the rest of your lives, No matter how much it hurts you, No matter how much it destroys our children's futures, We're gonna do whatever Rick wants, whenever he wants?
- Yes. Because I don't want him to leave again, you dumb asshole!!
- 我把情况捋一捋,在你们下半生里,不论他伤你多深,不论他把你孩子引入何等的歧途,无论什么时候,无论Rick想做什么,我们都得照做?
- 是,因为我不想再让他走了,你个混蛋。
EN: I've dwelt among the humans. Their entire culture is built around their penises. It's funny to say they are small. It's funny to say they are big. I've been at parties Where humans have held bottles, pencils, thermoses In front of themselves and called out, Hey, look at me. I'm Mr. So-and-so-dick. I've got such-and-such for a penis." I never saw it fail to get a laugh.
CN: 我曾经在人类世界居住过,他们的全部文明都围绕着阳物,笑它小能成笑料,说它大也能逗趣。我曾经去过他们的派对,人类拿着瓶子、铅笔、暖水壶放在他们身前,还叫着"快来看啊,我是某物丁丁先生,我的丁丁是个某物",然后就是哄堂大笑,从来不会冷场。