Rick and Morty Season 1

Rick and Morty Season 1

Rick and Morty Season 1 (Original Title)

Rick, a genius and mad scientist, suddenly returns to his daughter Beth after years of disappearance and sets up a science lab in her garage. Rick's daughter and son-in-law are dissatisfied with his crazy behavior, but there is nothing they can do about this genius scientist.


Quotes form Rick:

EN: Listen, Jerry, I-I don't want to overstep my bounds or anything. It's your house. It's your world. You're a real julius caesar. But I'll tell you some tell you how how I feel about school, jerry. It's a waste of time. A bunch of people running around, bumping into each other. G-guy up front says, "Two plus two." The people in the back say, "Four." Then the bell rings, and they give you a carton of milk and a Piece of paper that says you can go take a dump or something. I mean, it's it's not a place for smart people, Jerry.
CN: Jerry 我不想多管闲事,这是你家,你的地盘,你是凯撒大帝,但是我觉得学校这种东西纯属浪费时间,一堆人乱跑乱撞,前面的人说"二加二",后面的人说"四",下课铃一响 他们给你一盒牛奶,一张纸 上面写着你可以去上个大号,学校不适合聪明人待。

EN: I mean, you're young. You've got your whole life ahead of you, and your anal cavity is still taut, yet malleable.
CN: 你还年轻,你还有大好人生,肛门也还紧致有弹性。

EN: The world is full of idiots that don't understand what's important, and they'll tear us apart, morty. But if you stick with me, I'm gonna accomplish great things, Morty, and you're gonna be part of them, and together, we're gonna run around, Morty. We're gonna do all kinds of wonderful things, morty. Morty Just you and me, morty.  The outside world is our enemy, morty. We're the only friends we've got, Morty. It's just rick and morty. Rick and morty and their adventures, morty. Rick and morty forever and forever 100 years rick and morty's things. Me and rick and morty running around, and rick and morty time. All day long, forever. All a hundred days. Rick and morty forever 100 times.
CN: 世上充满了分不清轻重的傻瓜,他们会试图分开我们,但只要你跟着我,我就能完成伟业,你也会是伟业的一部分,我们一起东奔西走,做各种奇妙的事情,就你和我,外面的世界是我们的敌人,我们的朋友只有彼此,只有Rick和Morty,Rick和Morty大冒险,Rick与Morty万年录,Rick与Morty的故事,Rick与Morty游记,Rick与Morty的时光,一整天 到永远,一百年,Rick与Morty一百遍。

EN: Listen, Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people call "Love". Is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science.
CN: 听着 Morty,我也不想这么直白地告诉你,但所谓的爱情,不过是让动物繁衍后代的化学反应罢了,开始时让人头昏脑热,然后就慢慢消退,只留给你一段失败的婚姻,我是这样,你父母也会是这样,别重蹈覆辙,Morty,升华自我,专注科学。

EN: Science is more art than science, Morty. A lot of people don't get that.
CN: 用科学怎么能理解科学这门艺术,很多人就是不明白。

EN: You wanted to be safe from the government, so you became a stupid government.
CN: 你们想免受政府的迫害,于是你们自己变成了愚蠢的政府。

EN: Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV.
CN: 人的出现是没有目的的,人也不会属于任何地方,每个人都会死去,来看电视吧。

Quotes form Beth:

EN: Dad, how could you make my son miss an entire semester of school? I mean, it's not like he's a hot girl. He can't just bail on his life and set up shop in someone else's.
CN: 爸,你怎么能让我们的儿子缺了整整一学期的课呢?他又不是漂亮妹子,挥霍完青春再找一长期饭票。

EN: loving you is work, Jerry. Hard work, like building a homeless shelter nobody wants to say no to doing it but some people put the work in. So, what do you say? Do you see me working here? Does this conversation seem tedious to me? Sort of. Then I obviously sort of love you, don't I? So stop asking, and maybe I'll love you more.
CN: "爱你"是辛苦的劳动,是给流浪汉修收容所的过程,没有人"想"说不,但总有人要付出努力,所以你说呢,你觉得我有在努力吗?我觉得这对话无聊?算是吧,那明显我也算是爱你的,所以别问了,说不定我会更爱你一点。

EN: I ended up lying to you and yelling at you just like my parents did to me. You know, parents are just kids having kids. One minute, you like how a shiny robot looks. The next minute, you're in a fist fight with your alien son.
CN: 我最后还是像我父母对我那样和你撒谎,对你大喊大叫了,父母也不过是有了小孩的孩子罢了,前一分钟你还觉得那个闪闪的机器人很好看,下一分钟,你就在和你的外星儿子肉搏了。

Quotes form Morty:

EN: We're Mortys! We're not defined by our relationships to Rick! Our destiny is our own! I'm sick of being a human shield. I-I-I w- I want to be a gardener! I want to write really crazy, intense action novels! I'm more than just a hammer!
CN: 我们是Morty,我们的存在和Rick无关,我们的命运由自己掌握,我受够了做人肉护盾,我想当一个园丁,我想写真正疯狂刺激的动作小说,我不只是一个铁锤。

EN: We both know that if there's any truth in the universe, Mortyit's that Ricks don't care about Mortys.
CN: 我们都知道,如果世界上有什么真理,那就是Rick从来不会在意。

Quotes form Others:

EN: We are not them! We are not...them.
CN: 我们又不是他们,我们不是...他们。

EN: Very well. Give the Earth people a spacecraft so they may head back to their weird planet, where women are kind of equal but not really.
CN: 很好,给这些地球人一艘太空船,让他们回那个奇怪的星球去吧,那里男女平等,但又不尽然。

EN: I'd rather breathe poison than live another minute with you! No! No, no, no! Stop! My life has been a lie! God is dead! The government's lame! Thanksgiving is about killing Indians! Jesus wasn't born on Christmas! They moved the date! It was a pagan holiday!
CN: 我宁愿呼吸毒气也不愿意再和你多待一分钟,不不不,不要,我的人生就是一个谎言,上帝已死,政府烂透了,感恩节其实是屠杀印第安人的节日,耶稣不是出生在圣诞的,他们改了日期,这是异教徒的节日。

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