Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause (Original Title)

Jim's inability to fit in with the other students at school forces his parents to move several times, this time to Los Angeles, where he is still ostracised by his classmates at an LA high school, but meets the girl he loves, Judy, and makes his true friend, Plato. In a series of disputes between Jim and Buzz, the local gangster and Judy's ex-boyfriend, the two finally decide to race each other.


EN: He looks at me like...I was the ugliest thing in the world.
CN: 他看我的样子,好像我是世界上最丑的东西。

EN: Listen, Jimbo, I'm just trying to show you how foolish you are. When you're older, you'll look back at this...and you'll laugh at yourself...for thinking that this is so important. It's not as if you were alone. This has happened to every boy. It happened to me when I was your age, maybe a year older.
CN: 吉姆,我正在告诉你你有多傻,年纪大一点,回过头来看,你会笑你自己怎么把它想得这么严重,不光是你碰到这种问题,每个男生都会碰到,我在你这年纪时也碰到过,或许比你现在多一岁吧。

- It doesn't matter anyway, because we're moving.
- You're not tearing me loose again.
- 没关系,反正我们要搬家了
- 你又要将我连根拔起。

EN: "This will be one terrific day, so you better live it up...because tomorrow you'll be nothing."
CN: "今天是个好日子,你应该把握青春,因为明天你将什么都不是"

EN: All the time I've been...looking for someone to love me. And now I love somebody. And it's so easy.
CN: 长久以来我总是,寻找爱我的人,现在我爱上一个人,就这么容易。

EN: Mom, I just.... Once, I want to do something right!
CN: 妈,我只想我想做一次正确的事。

EN: You can't help it, Son. You did everything a man could.
CN: 你也没办法,儿子,你做了男人能做的一切。

EN: And while the flash of our beginning...has not yet traveled the light years into distance...has not yet been seen by planets deep within the other galaxies...we will disappear into the blackness of the space from which we came...destroyed as we began, in a burst of gas and fire.The heavens are still and cold once more. In all the immensity of our universe and the galaxies beyond...the Earth will not be missed. Through the infinite reaches of space...the problems of man seem trivial and naive indeed. And man, existing alone...seems himself an episode of little consequence.
CN: 我们消失很久以后,我们诞生时发出的闪光所传播的距离还未远至...尚未传至位于银河深处的星球,我们将再度消失于诞生时的漆黑太空之中,毁灭时跟诞生时一样,只是一团气体和火球,天堂再度寂静与冰冷,在浩瀚无垠的宇宙和银河之外,没有东西会记得地球,透过遥远的太空,人类的问题显得微不足道而天真,人类,孤单的存在,只是毫无关系的小插曲。

EN: The last of us search the heavens and stand amazed. For the stars will still be there...moving through their ancient rhythms. The familiar constellations that illuminate our night...will seem as they have always seemed: Eternal, unchanged and little the shortness of time between our planet's birth and its demise.
CN: 我们最后的日子,只能在惊骇中祈求上苍,其他星球依然存在,继续以它们亘古的节奏运行,照亮我们夜空那几个熟悉的星座,看起来丝毫不为所动,永恒不变而且在地球诞生到毁灭的短短期间,也只移动了少许。

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