EN: Owing to her noble birth, Mademoiselle Renare was granted full immunity to do just that: inflicting pain and pleasure with equal zest. Until one day...Mademoiselle found herself at the mercy of a man...every bit as perverse as she. A man whose skill in the art of pain...exceeded her own.
CN: 因为她的高贵出身,丽娜小姐享有特权这样做:将快乐建筑在他人的痛苦之上,直到有一天她遇上一个令她无能为力,像她一样邪恶的男人,一个在施予痛苦的艺术方面...更甚于她的男人。
EN: St. Augustine tells us that angels and demons walk among us on the Earth...and that sometimes they jointly inhabit the soul of a single man. Then how can we know...who is truly good and who is evil? Well, we can't. All we can do is guard against our own corruption.
CN: 圣奥古斯丁告诉我们,天使和魔鬼之一在地上与我们同行,有时他们会同时占据一个孤独者的灵魂,那我们怎么知道...谁是真正善良的和谁是邪恶的呢?我们无法知道,我们只能控制抗拒固有的恶念。
EN: I hear he's got a whetstone and a chisel, and he uses them to sharpen his teeth.
CN: 我听说他用一块磨刀石和一把凿子,来磨利他的牙齿。
EN: You've already stolen my heart...as well as another prominent organ south of the equator.
CN: 你已经偷走了我的心...还有裤带下面另一个突起的器官。
EN: There's but one kind of bird in a madhouse, Abbe. A loon.
CN: 疯人院只有一种鸟,神父,傻鸟。
EN: Conversation, like certain portions of the anatomy, always runs more smoothly when it's lubricated.
CN: 交谈,就如具体的身体部位一样,加过润滑油之后总是能运行得更酣畅。
EN: This is a rare vintage from an obscure village in Bordeaux. Rather than crush the grape underfoot, they place the fruit on the belly of a bride, reap its juices when the young husband steers his vessel into port. Full-bodied flavor, just a hint of wantonness.
CN: 这种珍贵的葡萄酒来自波尔图的一个无名小村,榨取葡萄汁时不是用脚踩, 而是将葡萄放在新娘的腹部,当年轻的丈夫驾驶他的船只进入港口时便可榨取汁液,充满着体香,蕴含着激情。
EN: It's a dreadful play, a festering pustule on the face of literature. Why, the parchment it's written upon isn't worthy to wipe my ass.
CN: 这是个差劲透顶的剧本, 是脸上长着溃烂脓疱的作品,羊皮纸写上它都不配用来给我擦屁股。
EN: Homo perversio: a species that thrives in captivity.
CN: 在囚禁中茁壮成长是人类变态的一个因素。
EN: Remember, gentlemen, inside each of your... delicate minds, your distinctive bodies, art is waiting to be born!
CN: 记住,各位,在你们每个人的微妙意识里,与众不同的身体里,艺术在等待着降生。
EN: l've all the demons of hell in my head. My only salvation is to vent them on paper.
CN: 我的脑袋里全是地狱来的魔鬼,我只能用它们在纸上宣泄以得到拯救。
EN: l'll die of loneliness. l've no company but the characters l create. Whores and pederasts!
CN: 我将死于孤独,我没有朋友,除了笔下的人物,娼妓和恋童癖。
EN: lf l wasn't such a bad woman on the page, l'll hazard l couldn't be such a good woman in life.
CN: 如果我无法演好书中的坏女人,我敢说在现实生活中我就不能做一个好女人。
EN: l've stared into the face of evil...and I've lived to tell the tale.
CN: 我曾经直视魔鬼的面孔...我活着就是为了讲述这个故事。