Princess Mononoke by Marie Bergeron


もののけ姫 (Original Title)



洪水、火灾加上土石流,不知道死了多少的村民,这段日子啊,到处都是含恨而终的冤魂,战死的、病死的、饿死的 根本没人管,你说你被诅咒了,活在世上就是个诅咒。
Floods, fires and landslides have killed many villagers, and in these days there are souls everywhere who have died of hatred. Those who died in the war, those who died of disease, those who died of hunger, no one cared at all.

You have not only taken the forest from the mountain gods, but you have also turned the mountain pigs into evil demons, and now you want to use stone rockets to generate new hatred and curses?

It is a painful thing to live, to be disliked by the world and to languish, Aku.

In your heart there is demonic blockage, this girl is just like you, everyone see clearly, when one is filled with hatred inside, it is like this, the flesh is corrupted and life is cursed by death, let us not let hatred invade the mind anymore.

Humans have uprooted all that we have planted and the forest cannot be restored to its original state, trying to kill humans just to save the forest.

Humans smell sostink.

I had a strange dream in which there was a golden deer.

Look at my people, all of them small and stupid. If they continue, they will only be hunted by the humans and left for them to slaughter.

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