Primal Fear by Josh Johnson

Primal Fear

Primal Fear (Original Title)

After a horrific bloodbath in Chicago, where Bishop Rosen of a local church was brutally murdered and his body was carved with mysterious numbers, the police arrested the suspect, Aaron, who was present at the scene and covered in blood. Martin, as Aaron's defense attorney, successfully exonerates Aaron on the pretext that he is mentally ill, but everything goes wrong.


EN: On my first day of law school, my professor says two things. First, "From this day forward, when your mother says she loves you, "get a second opinion." And? If you want justice, go to a whorehouse. "If you want to get fucked, go to court."
CN: 法学院第一天教授就说过两件事,第一,你老妈说她爱你别轻易相信,还有呢?想讨回公道就到妓院,想被人干就上法庭。

EN: We saw each other for months. It was a one-night stand, Marty. It just lasted six months.
CN: 我们交往好几个月了,只是一夜风流,马提,那只是持续六个月的一夜风流。

EN: We're the bad guys. You know why? 'Cause we're always sitting next to some creep, we start to look creepy, you know? Plus, they assume they're guilty. You know, they assume they did it, and, like, we know or something.
CN: 我们是坏人,为什么呢?因为我们坐在坏人旁边,我们哭笑不得,另外,如果他们有罪,假设他们真的有罪,好像我们律师也是同反。

EN: The only pressure is to find the truth.
CN: 唯一的压力是寻求真相。

EN: Well, you know what people think. Think this great city runs itself. They think it gets up, goes to work and climbs into bed at night just like we do. They're unaware of what it takes to make sure the whole damn thing doesn't break down. Crime, fires, riots, the goddamn water pipes bursting under the city. Christ, what a fucking mess that was. And who does the water commissioner call? The contractor who built it? No. He calls me. They all call me.
CN: 知否人们怎么想?大家都以为本市不用人管,早上起床工作,晚上乖乖睡觉,他们不明白维持本市正常运作不简单,犯罪,火灾,暴动,甚至地下水管爆裂,都是一团糟,水电局找谁处理?不是承包商,而是找我,他们都找我。

EN: "No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true."
CN: "没有人能够长期地以虚假的面具面对众人,而最终不会对真相感到迷惑。"

EN: Why gamble with money when you can gamble with people's lives? That was a joke.
CN: 可以赌人命何必去赌钱呢?开玩笑的。

EN: I believe in the notion that people are innocent until proven guilty. I believe in that notion because I choose to believe in the basic goodness of people. I choose to believe that not all crimes are committed by bad people, and I try to understand that some very, very good people do some very bad things.
CN: 我相信被判有罪之前人皆无罪,因为我愿意相信人性本善,我也相信犯罪的不全是坏人,我想知道好人为何也会做坏事。

EN: This kid doesn't need a lawyer. He needs an exorcist.
CN: 我看这小子不需要律师,他需要法师。

EN: Hey, you're gonna thank me down the road, 'cause this is gonna toughen you right up, Martin Vail!
CN: 你以后会感激我,因为你会变得心狠手辣!

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