I'm no good at being noble but the problems of three people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that.
Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Who am I kidding? I'm not like that. I never was, I never will be. That's strictly the movies.
That's because you're one of life's great watchers. I'm a doer. I want to participate. We never laugh together.
She doesn't laugh enough. Insufficient laughter - grounds for divorce. She wants to go skiing. She wants to ski down a mountain laughing.
I bought 100 acres of land in Florida and it turns out that 98 of them have quicksand. My syndicate wanted to build a golf course. All we can do is build a three-hole golf course with the biggest sand trap in the world.
She'd eat him alive. There'd be nothing left but his glasses.
Movies. That's his whole life, he's a watcher. I'm a doer.
Up until tonight, the doctors had told me that I was frigid. I want to thank you for proving them wrong.
I love the rain. It washes memories off the sidewalk of life.
Allan, I won't deny it. I'm a nymphomaniac. I discovered sex very early. I slept with everybody. My schoolteacher, my sister's husband, the string section of the New York Philharmonic. I want to have sex all the time, play all the time otherwise you're just down, and why be down? The best way to get up is sex.
It restates the negativeness of the universe. The hideous, lonely emptiness of existence. Nothingness. The predicament of man forced to live in a barren, godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror and degradation forming a useless straightjacket in a black absurd cosmos.
You're bright, funny and you're romantic, if you'd only believe it. Why put on a mask every time you meet a girl?
- 你没事吧?
- 我很好,我用我的下巴颏猛夹一个家伙的拳头,并我的鼻子痛击另一个的膝盖。
- Are you all right?
- I'm fine. I snapped my chin onto a guy's fist and hit one in the knee with my nose.
Ten million women in the country and I can't wind up with one.
Love is such a strange phenomenon.Strange and exquisite.
What did I do? I'm not Bogart, I never will be. I'm a disgrace to my sex. I should get a job at an Arabian palace as a eunuch. That's the vice squad.
I was incredible last night in bed. I never once had to sit up and consult the manual.