Quotes from Aurora:
EN: All the other passengers will sleep for another 90 years. While I live out my life on this ship... traveling forever...never arriving. My only companion, a total stranger.
CN: 其他乘客们还要再睡90年才会醒,而我却在这艘飞行的船里荒废余生,永远到不了终点,我仅有的慰藉却是一个陌生人。
EN: We're the last 2 people in the world who ever get to get together. But here we are. The last 2 people in the world.
CN: 我们是当世间只剩下两个人时,才可能在一起的两个人,而现在,我们正是这世间仅剩的两个人。
EN: And for the first time in my life, I don't feel we weren't supposed to find each other, but we did. He makes me feel like my life isn't over. Like it's just beginning.
CN: 这是我生命中第一次不再感到孤独,我们原本不会遇见彼此的,但是我们还是相遇了,他让我觉得我的生命还没有结束,而是刚刚开始。
Quotes from Jim:
EN: I'm your only customer, why are you always polishing a glass?
CN: 这里就我一个客人,为什么你老是在擦玻璃杯?
EN: My Dad used to say: "If you live an ordinary life, all you have are ordinary stories. You have to live a life of adventure." So. Here I am.
CN: 我爸爸曾经说过,“如果你过着平凡的生活,那么你的故事也不过如此,你必须勇于冒险生活”,所以,我来了。
EN: You get to fly to another planet, but you'll die along the way. And you find the perfect woman right in front of you. Yet, she's completely out of reach.
CN: 你要飞到另一个星球,却要死在途中,现在又让你遇到你的命中注定,近在眼前,却触不可及。
EN: I see 5,000 men and women changing their lives. for 5,000 different reasons. You don't know these people.
CN: 我看到的是5000个男女在改变他们的人生,每个人都有不同的原因,你并不了解这些人。
EN: Space, the one thing I do not need more of.
CN: 空间是我在这里唯一不想多要的东西。
EN: A friend once said, "You can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget to make the most of where you are." We got lost along the way but we found each other. And we made a life. A beautiful life... together.
CN: 有位朋友曾说“不可总惦记着目的地,却忘了去感受当下”。我们曾一度迷失,但幸好我们找到了彼此,一起创造出一段美妙的人生。
Quotes from Arthur:
EN: How is it that I'm sitting here with you with 90 years to go?
CN: 我就在这坐着和你一起过上90年怎么样?
EN: Oh, we all die. Even androids end up on the scrap heap.
CN: 人终有一死,就连机器人最后也会被扔到垃圾堆。
EN: Take a break from worrying about what you can't control. Live a little.
CN: 别再担心你不能控制的事了,活在当下。
EN: They say time heals all wounds.
CN: 大家都说时间可以治愈一切。
EN: You're right, Aurora. But the drowning man will always try to drag somebody down with him. It ain't right, but the man is drowning.
CN: 你说的没错,奥罗拉,但是溺水的人总是试图拉其他人下水,这种做法是错误的,可是他也快要溺水而亡了。