No one ever told me, the truth is… when you grow up, it's likely you'll have a not-so-good job, be in a not-so-good relationship, and live a not-so-good life. Dunno what he wants to eat.
She treats the company as her family. The company treats her as animal.
History has proven that, there are mainly two types of young girls in the world. Pretty girls who are popular… And those who are not pretty.
Having a dog now together means they'll walk the dog together. Get closer. Then the dog will have more puppies. We can't let this happen.
Let me tell you how not to fall. Don't… be afraid of falling. It can't get worse than falling.
I don't need to waste my life in a place where no one cares who I am.
In the future… you won't really become someone amazing. You still make mistakes. You still get confused. You still regret for not having more ice, or not experiencing more relationships.