EN: While they're putting Uncle Sam in cuckoo clocks… we will put Soviet cosmonaut on moon.
CN: 当他们还在把山姆大叔放进布谷鸟报时钟的时候,我们就要把苏维埃宇航员送上月球了。
EN: No culture, just cash. The ugly American.
CN: 不要文化,只要现金,丑陋的美国人。
EN: Look at this, Schlemmer. All virgin territory… 300 million thirsty comrades… Volga boatmen and Cossacks… Ukrainians and Outer Mongolians… panting for the pause that refreshes.
CN: 看这里,施莱默,整个一片处女地,3亿个口渴的同志们,伏尔加船夫以及哥萨克骑兵,乌克兰人和外蒙古人,都渴望歇息一下喝点饮料。
EN: Now you do not work me overtime anymore. You do not take advantage of me on weekends. You have lost all interest in the umlaut… so, obviously, my services are no longer required here.
CN: 如今你不再让我加班了,周末也用不到我了,你也完全失去了对元音变音的兴趣,所以,很显然,这里已经不需要我的服务了。
- What could have happened to her?
- Who knows? Gone with the wind.
- 她能出什么事呢?
- 谁知道呢,随风而逝了吧。
EN: He said to the policemen I shouldn't be arrested. I should be pitied because I was a typical bourgeois parasite… and the rotten fruit of a corrupt civilization. So naturally, I fell in love with him.
CN: 他跟警察说我不应该被逮捕,而应该为我感到遗憾,因为我是一个典型的中产阶级寄生虫,是堕落文明结出的烂果子,所以很自然的我就爱上他了。
EN: In Lenin's tomb, I take my cap off. If Van Cliburn plays Tchaikovsky… I take my cap off… but in Coca-Cola office, phooey!
CN: 在列宁的墓地里,我会脱帽,如果范·克莱本演奏柴可夫斯基,我会脱帽,可是在可口可乐公司的办公室里,我呸!
EN: Look at all this waste. Capitalism is like a dead herring in the moonlight. It shines, but it stinks!
CN: 看看这些铺张浪费吧,资本主义就像月光下的一条死鲱鱼,闪闪发光,但恶臭无比!
EN: Better a dead hero than a live Communist.
CN: 一个死去的英雄要比一个活着的共产党员好多了。
EN: Is old Russian proverb. You cannot milk cow with hands in pockets.
CN: 俄国有句古谚说得好,把手放在口袋里是不能给奶牛挤奶的。
EN: To the Communists, I'm an American spy. To the Americans, I'm a Communist.
CN: 在共产党员眼中,我是个美国间谍,在美国人眼中,我是个共产党员。
EN: Is old Russian proverb… Go west, young man.
CN: 俄国古谚说得好:往西走吧,年轻人。
EN: Maybe our children can make this a better place to live in… a world where men are created equal… and there's liberty and… and justice for all.
CN: 也许我们的孩子可以把这个世界变得美好一点,变成一个人人生来平等的世界,人人自由,正义长存。