EN: He could never settle...Yupa's a man who is fated to search forever. My fate, is it?
CN: 犹巴这个男人命中注定要不断的追寻呀,命中注定啊。
EN: Look there, see the tapestry on the wall. I can no longer see it, though I remeber it well. There is a figure in the left corner '' clothed in blue robes descending onto a golden field to mend the bond between Man and Earth and guide the people to the pure land at last.''
CN: 瞧,就画在墙上那面旗子上啊,虽然我已经看不见了,不过应该就在那左上角吧,这个人身穿蓝色长衣,飘然降临在一片金色的大草原上,身系连结着即将失落的大地的羁绊,最后终于带领人们走向湛蓝清净的地方。
EN: Why...Who has made such a terrible mess of the world?
CN: 为什么?到底是什么人把世界污染成这样子?
EN: What a wonderful tree. Even though it's dead, water still flows through it, just like the sand at the bottom of our well. Grains of petrified wood sifting down from above.
CN: 多么雄壮的树啊,里面仍然流动着水,跟井底的沙子一样,变成石头的树干化为细砂,然后散落堆积。
EN: Why the Sea of Decay was born...? You think the strangest thoughts. The trees of the Sea of Decay grew to cleanse a world polluted by humans. They absorb toxins from the earth, generate pure crystals, die and turn to sand.
CN: 腐海的树木之所以诞生,是为了净化这个被人类污染的世界,它们把大地的毒素吸收到自己的身体里面,变成干净的结晶,然后再枯死化为细沙。
EN: Fire can turn the forest into ashes in a single day. While water and wind can sustain a forest for 1,000 years! We enjoy the water and the wind.
CN: 将森林化为灰烬只要一天,但是用水和风培养出茁壮的森林却要一百年,我们宁可选择水跟风。
EN: The Princess is wearing strange blue clothes...It's like she's walking through golden fields.''...clothed in blue robes." ''descending onto a golden field. . . '' Obaba...The ancient legend was true !
CN: 公主姊姊她穿着一身蓝色的异国服装,就像走在金色的草原上面,这人身穿蓝色长衣飘然降临在一片金色大草原上面,古老的传说原来是真的。
EN: The wind has returned!
CN: 风又回来了。