My Sassy Girl


엽기적인 그녀 (Original Title)



Quotes from Kyun-woo:

While watching her sleep like a baby, it may be forward, but this occurred to me. l want to heal her sorrow.

l know her. She pretends to be happy, but she's full of sorrow inside.

She's having a happy dream. Compared to when l looked at her in the motel the first time, She looks so different. Could her pain be cured now? Maybe it means that she doesn't need me anymore.

l want to meet a girl like the ones in romantic comic books. But on that day...She's my type, but l don't like her.

l thought maybe this girl was a snake. Pretending to be drunk and vomiting to use the guy in a state of confusion.

Our relationship is so peculiar. We met only three days ago, and slept twice in a motel. That's how our relationship began. 

lf l sleep out, mom beats me with whatever's in her hand. lf she's sweeping, it's a broom stick lf she's cleaning, it's a vacuum. When I get lucky, it's a cucumber or eggplant. So l have to come at the right time.

When we meet then, we'll be different from what we are now. We may become closer, or stay forever apart. We can only choose one. 

Quotes from Others:

知道什么是命运吗? 就是在你和所爱的人之间牵一座桥。
Know what fate is? Building a bridge of chance for someone you love.

Since l like you so much, better make me smile like this.

People are dead or alive. There's a dead tree and a living tree, too. This tree was struck dead by lightning last year. It was split into two. But this young man felt sorry for it. During this spring, he planted another tree that looked the same. When he planted the tree, he asked me if it look the same. He said that someone would be sad if it died, so no one should know.

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