

怪物 (Original Title)

In a quiet lakeside town, the single mother who loves her son, Paulie, a straightforward teacher who thinks about her students, and the innocent children were living a peaceful life, but because of a school conflict, the fermentation has become a big storm, attracting the attention of the society and the media. When the situation becomes more and more serious, the two children are lost in a stormy morning. ......


EN: If a human gets a pig's brain transplanted, is it a human or a pig?
CN: 如果把猪的大脑移植给人的话,那那个人算是猪还是人呢?

EN: "Be kind to your mother"
CN: "要善待自己的母亲"

EN: Night view? Everybody says it's beautiful, but it's just lightbulbs.
CN: 夜景吗?每个人都说它很漂亮,但它只不过是灯泡而已。

EN: Your smile is so stiff, you'll make children cry. And make flowers wilt.
CN: 你笑起来太僵硬了,会吓哭孩子们的,花看了都要哭了。

EN: Don't you teach at school not to trust a woman's "Next time" and a man's "It'll be fine?"
CN: 亏你还是老师,不要相信女人的"下一次",还有男人的"会没事的"。

EN: I have attended two weddings of women I once loved. Will the kids find it funny?
CN: 我参加过我爱的女人的两场婚礼,孩子们会觉得好笑吗?

EN: Yeah, the universe keeps expanding. Right now, it's blowing up like a balloon. In the end, when the universe can't get any bigger. It will split, bam! Yeah, time will go backwards. It will turn back, so clocks, people, trains and cats will all move backwards. Beef on rice will turn back into cows, and poop goes back into your butt. Humans will turn into monkeys, the dinosaurs will come back and we'll go back to before the universe was born. So, we're going to be reborn.
CN: 是的,宇宙一直在膨胀,就像气球一样膨胀,最终当宇宙无法变得更大时它就会爆炸。是啊时间会倒退,它会倒退,所以时钟、人、火车还有猫都会回到过去,牛肉饭会变回牛,然后大便也回到你的屁股里,人类会变成猴子,恐龙会回来,我们会回到宇宙诞生之前,所以,我们都会重生。

EN: If only some people can have it, that's not happiness. That's just nonsense. Happiness is something anyone can have.
CN: 如果只有一部分人能拥有的,那就不是幸福,那就是废话,幸福是任何人都可以拥有的。

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