Millennium Actress

Millennium Actress

千年女優 (Original Title)

In 1926, Chiyoko Fujiwara was born. She was discovered by a talent scout at the age of 16, but it was not until she met an artist that she saved him from the chaos and hid him in her warehouse that he gave her a key, saying that it was the key to unlock the secret, and promised to take her to see the snow in Hokkaido when she reunited with him.


EN: I wonder if my destiny is linked to earthquakes.
CN: 我的一生似乎和地震紧紧相连。

EN: Our next film is set in Manchuria, about soldiers fighting for our country. It will be a film that inspires all Japanese citizens.
CN: 我们的新片将在满洲拍摄,这将大大鼓舞和激励前线的战士和国内的人民。

EN: In winter, my hometown gets all white with snow as far as the eye can see. It's beautiful. I want to set up my easel in the snow and complete the painting while I'm so cold it hurts. In that vast white landscape, you feel like you're in a faraway world.
CN: 到了冬天,在那雪的天地中,眼前是一望无际的雪白,太美了,我觉得逍遥自在,我会画完这幅画,直到我冷得受不了,在那个纯白的世界中,你会觉得自己仿佛来到一个遥远的异世界。

EN: I despise you more than I can bear. And I love you more than I can bear. One day you will understand!
CN: 我对你恨至入骨,我对你爱至入髓,总有一天你会明白。

EN: Chiyo, directing films is very similar to painting. A painter paints the colors he likes on his canvas. I've come across a beautiful color. That color is you.
CN: 千代子,电影导演就好比画家,画家将他喜欢的色彩绘在画布上,而我,已经找到自己喜欢的色彩,那就是你。

EN: A woman's happiness comes from making a proper home. But I have...All the old political prisoners have long been set free.
CN: 女人的幸福来自家庭,可我打一开始就有这种罪恶的念头。

EN: I love him more each day.
CN: 每一天,我只会越来越爱他。

EN: After all, what I really love is the pursuit of him.
CN: 我真正爱的是追逐他的旅程。

EN: I was jealous of you! Of your youth. How chasing after just one man kept you exchange for that. And I had to play your older adversary. I don't even have the strength to hate you any longer.
CN: 因为我妒忌,妒忌你的青春,不停地追逐那个男人让你永葆青春...我却只能演越来越老的女人,现在我连恨你的力气都没有了。

EN: It was as if a gaping hole had opened in my heart, when I lost my key. And I had passed the age of dreaming.
CN: 我的心好像有一部分,就这么随钥匙而去,而我也早过了继续做梦的年纪。

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