

Memoria (Original Title)

Jessica Hollander (Tilda Swinton) is a European expatriate living in Colombia who comes to Bogota to visit her sick sister (Agnes Brekke). Because she keeps hearing strange loud noises, she tries to find the source of her hallucinations and thus embarks on a journey of fantasy, chance encounters and reunions that reverberate with memory and history.


Can you imagine a poem about mushrooms? What is this thing, that springs from the living? The aroma of destroying. The scent of decay. This is a verse of bacteria. Fermented wound. Molecular spectacle. Plotting a dance without organs.

This stone was part of the rock he was sitting on. The rocks, the trees, the concrete...they absorb everything. I too can feel the vibrations stored in my body.

I remember everything I've eaten. The weather we've had everyday. The movement of my hand here, on this fish. I realized that...I have no desire to go anywhere. Experiences are harmful. Experiences are harmful. So I work the land.

I composed a poem! About sleepless nights. Beyond the petals...and once-fierce wings...the air its fading shadow.

I never leave this town. I remember everything. So I try to limit what I see. That's why I never watch movies or TV. Miss Universe.

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