

Manhattan (Original Title)

Isaac Davis, 40, is not a success in writing and is even more of a mess in his relationships. Jill, his ex-wife, who left him for another woman, plans to publish a book about their intimate married life, while on the other hand, 17-year-old Tracy invests more and more enthusiasm in a relationship he doesn't intend to take seriously.


EN: "He was as tough and romantic as the city he loved. Behind his black-rimmed glasses was the coiled sexual power of a jungle cat. New York was his town and it always would be."
CN: “他就是纽约的化身,黑边眼镜下是他丛林豹般的魅力,一座属于他的城市。”

EN: "He was too romantic about Manhattan, as he was about everything else. He thrived on the hustle, bustle of the crowds and the traffic. To him, New York meant beautiful women...and street-smart guys who seemed to know all the angles."
CN: “像对其他事物一样,他对曼哈顿存有太多幻想,那些忙碌的人群和繁忙的交通,对他而言,纽约代表着美女和有办法的痞子。”

EN: "He adored New York City...although to him it was a metaphor for the decay of contemporary culture. How hard it was to exist in a society desensitized by drugs, loud music...television, crime, garbage..."
CN: 他向往纽约,即使那象征着当代文化的势微,这座都市丛林充斥着毒品、音乐、电视、暴力、垃圾。

EN: I think the essence of art is to provide a kind of working-through that you can get in touch with feelings you didn't know you had. Talent is luck. The important thing in life is courage.
CN: 我认为艺术的存在,是为了提供我们机会探索内心深处的情感,才华就是福,生活最重要的课题是勇气。

EN: You're going by audience reaction? This is an audience raised on TV. Their standards have been lowered over the years. They watch their sets and the gamma rays eat the white cells of their brains out.
CN: 观众的反应能信吗?他们的水准一年比一年低,坐在前几排的观众,脑细胞早就被伽玛射线侵蚀了。

EN: Physical force is better with Nazis. It's hard to satirize a guy with shiny boots.
CN: 对付纳粹就要以暴制暴,他们对挖苦是毫无感觉。

- Isn't it beautiful out? 
- Yeah, it's really so pretty when the light starts to come up. Boy, this is really a great city. I don't care what anybody says. It's really a knockout, you know.
- 是不是很美?
- 尤其是华灯初上的时候,天啊,不管别人怎么说,这是座了不起的城市,让人目不暇给。

EN: Everything valuable enters through a different opening...if you'll forgive the disgusting imagery.
CN: 有些事是不能用理智来了解的,必须靠别的方法来体会。

EN: You call that guy that you talk to a doctor? You don't get suspicious when he calls you at 3am and weeps into the telephone? He's done a great job on you. Your self-esteem is like a notch below Kafka's.
CN: 讲讲话就算医生?你不觉得医生半夜打电话来跟你哭诉很怪吗?他害你的自尊心比卡夫卡还低。

EN: I was thinking there must be something wrong with me...because I've never had a relationship...that's lasted longer than the one between Hitler and Eva Braun.
CN: 我觉得我大概有问题,因为我每次谈恋爱,都破不了希特勒的记录。

EN: You know, it's important to have some kind of personal integrity.
CN: 一个人不能连一点优点都没有。

EN: An idea for a short story about, um, people in Manhattan...who are constantly creating...these real, unnecessary, neurotic problems for themselves...'cause it keeps them from dealing with more unsolvable, terrifying problems...about, uh, the universe.
CN: 短篇故事的题材,是关于…住在曼哈顿的人,他们替自己,不断地制造不必要的问题,这样他们就不用面对,世界上更多解决不了的问题了。

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