I don't know what you mean by this "global warming", But I do know that snow and ice are the abode of the mythical snow lion. But with less snow and ice every year, she is losing her home. I worry that soon the snow lion will forever disappear from our world.
I hear some people claim that we are the happiest country in the world. Yet you... someone who is educated, someone who can serve the country, someone who is the future of our country, wishes to seek happiness elsewhere?
Once upon a time, Norbu had a friend. A buffalo... They heard that in Lunana you get the best salt. They wanted to come here and taste it. They heard Lunana was too cold. So one day, the buffalo decided to give all his fur to the yak. But once he got here, Norbu just loved it. He loved the salt, he loved the grass, and he decided to stay here. That is why the buffalo is always seen looking up. Looking up and waiting or his friend, Norbu, to come back down with the salt.
We heard that city people can't take shits without toilet paper. So we were worried for you. For us leaves do it.
- Maybe I'll burn papers to start the fire.
- Burning paper in Lunana would be like burning money. We start our fires with yak dungs.
Quotes from songs
♪ Like milk in a porcelain cup. ♪
♪ the heart is pure. ♪
♪ So pure that even if the cup breaks, ♪
♪ the milk remains milk. ♪
♪ Like water in a vase, the heart is clear. ♪
♪ So clear that infinite beauty is reflected in its depth. ♪
♪ Like bamboo dancing in the wind, the heart is humble. ♪
♪ So humble that it bends to the wind, yet it never breaks. ♪
♪ For such a pure, clear and humble heart happiness follows like a shadow. ♪
♪ happiness follows like a shadow. ♪