I hate every form of entertainment, including living.
The pressures here in Hollywood...Are so great from all the dead people. Clark gable died too. Pat o'brien. I think their ghosts are cockroaches...And that's why we have so many cockroaches in the kitchen.
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A sharp mind is the death of love.
Because love is a bore...Sex is a fucking bore, fucking is a fucking bore...The word “fucking” is a fucking bore. So let's quit fucking and just have the cosmic climax.
我们可以既做演员又展现真实自我吗?我们可以既展现真实自我 又陷入爱河吗?我们可以既陷入爱河又当演员吗?我们可以既陷入爱河又展现真实的自我吗?我们可以成为真实生活的演员吗?我们能唱科尔·波特的《真爱》吗?
Can we be actors and be real? Can we be real and be in love? Can we be in love and be actors? Can we be in love and be real? Can we be real-life, true live actors? Can we be Cole Porter “true love”?
Like 12...Blueberry blue jays. Like 10 little piggies. Like 710 little Indians. Like, uh, four “I adore you.” Like 75 romeos. Like four shakespeares. Like 50 “Mary had a little lambs.” Like spaghetti for dinner tonight. Like, uh, one butterscotch...Marshmallow vanilla hot-fudge sundae banana split. Like...Two of me. Like 5,000 sunglasses. Like one thousand and one Arabian nights. Like two thousand and one Arabian nights. Like, uh, 12 buttercups. Like 65 purple-yellow skies. Three pigeons. Three thousand chocolate ants. Fourteen hills of Rome. Like 3,000 roses.
There's a rumor going around that the Indians..Never settled in L.A. because the vibrations were so wrong. And it took the spaniards, who weren't afraid of anything...To really make a city out of a nowhere land. Also, it's going back fo the sea in a few weeks or a few months.
因为生活就是一部电影,我想对我们来说都是这样,我总是分不清,我是在拍电影 还是在电影里,分不清到底是先有电影还是先有现实。
Viva's life is nothing but a movie. That's happening with us all. I'm getting so I don't know...Whether I'm in a movie or making a movie. Which comes first - the movie or reality?
Make love, not coffee.
Hollywood's a state of mind. Nostalgia. If you listen fo the people who were here then...They were plain folks doing their thing. but to the rest of the world, it was really sodom and gomorrah...Where stars fuck on an epic scale.