EN: A mouthful of water will not harm you, but panic will.
CN: 满嘴的水不会要你的命,但是恐惧会给你带来危险。
EN: Don't let these stories and pretty lights fool you, boys. Religion is darkness.
CN: 别被这些神话和美艳的亮光欺骗了,宗教是黑暗的。
EN: You only need to convert to three more religions, Piscine… and you will spend your life on holiday.
CN: 你要再信三个教的话,你下半辈子就全是假期了。
EN: Believing in everything at the same time… is the same as not believing in anything at all.
CN: 同时相信所有的事情,相当于什么都不信。
EN: Science can teach us more about what is out there… but not what is in here.
CN: 科学能更多的解释外在世界,可是解释不了我们的内心。
EN: That tiger is not your friend. When you look into his eyes… you are seeing your own emotions reflected back at you. Nothing else.
CN: 老虎不是你朋友,你直视它眼睛的时候看到的是你自己情感的倒影,除此之外一无所有。
EN: Hunger can change everything you ever thought you knew about yourself.
CN: 即使你了解自己,但是饥饿还是会改变你。
EN: The whole of life becomes an act of letting go. But what always hurts the most… is not taking a moment to say goodbye.
CN: 人生就是不断的放下,但是最让我们遗憾的是没有来得及好好告别。
EN: The happy Buddhist, he only ate rice and gravy.
CN: "酒肉穿肠过,佛祖心中留"