EN: Money moves in the shadows.
CN: 钱都是在暗中流动的。
EN: Foreigners see bums in a considerably more romantic light than we French.
CN: 相比起我们法国人… 外国人眼中的流浪汉啊总是显得更加浪漫。
EN: Miracles do happen.
CN: 奇迹还是会有的。
EN: The jar returns to the well until it breaks.
CN: 车到山前必有路。
EN: Isn't it wonderful that two young people love each other? Why should the society dictate what's right or wrong?
CN: 两个年轻人互相爱慕不是很好的事吗?为什么要由这个社会来判断什么是对,什么是错?
EN: The dark side of my work is that people don't like us. People scream for us to help. But are they grateful? Not a bit. It doesn't really bother me. I don't much like people.
CN: 我这份工作不好的一面就是,人们不喜欢我们,人们嚷嚷着要我们帮忙,但他们有感激之情吗?一点都没有,但我真的不介意,我也不喜欢你们。
EN: It may be hard to believe that my heart has its tender spots. I'm ruthless towards genuine malefactors but I don't like to see the innocent suffer.
CN: 似乎很难让你相信… 我的心也有软弱的地方,我对真正的罪人冷酷无情,但我不想见到无辜的人受苦。
EN: Look, Marcel. The cherry tree blooms.
CN: 看,马塞尔,樱花开了。
♪ We sang into the ears of the distant passengers. ♪
♪ Grown-ups were still a wake,mothers prepared beds. ♪
♪ We had to hurry. ♪
♪ I kissed the one next to me, ♪
♪ offered my hand to the nearest three. ♪
♪ I began to run back along the road,no one called after me. ♪
♪ When they could see me no more ♪
♪ I turned and ran along the farm roads, into the forest again. ♪
♪ I went south towards the town of which we said: ♪
♪ "Strange people live there!They don't sleep! " ♪
♪ "Why not?" ♪
♪ "They don't grow tired. " ♪
♪ "为什么?" ♪
♪ "Why not?" ♪
♪ "Because they are mad." ♪
♪ "Don't mad people grow tired?" ♪
♪ "How could the mad grow tired?" ♪
♪ 我们朝着远去的乘客们歌唱 ♪
♪ 大人们仍旧醒着 母亲们在准备床铺 ♪
♪ 我们必须快点 ♪
♪ 我吻了旁边的人 ♪
♪ 拉了拉最近的三个人的手 ♪
♪ 开始回头沿着路奔跑 没人叫住我 ♪
♪ 当他们再也看不到我 ♪
♪ 我转而跑向农场的路 ♪
♪ 再次跑进森林里 ♪
♪ 我跑向镇子的南边 我们说 ♪
♪ "那里住了奇怪的人! 他们不睡觉的!" ♪
♪ "为什么不睡?" ♪
♪ "因为他们感觉不到疲惫" ♪
♪ "因为他们是疯子" ♪
♪ "疯子就不会感到累吗?" ♪
♪ "疯子怎么会累呢?" ♪