EN: I saw you on TV. Behind that wicked witch's face of yours, I saw the presence of an angel.
CN: 我在电视上看到你,在邪恶的巫婆脸后面,我见到了天使。
EN: Actually, prison is an ideal place to learn to pray. Because… we know that we are all sinners in here.
CN: 监狱其实是学习祈祷最好的地方,因为…我们知道,大家在这里都是罪人。
EN: Prayer is like a scrubbing towel. Scrub off all your sins. Then your skin will become as new as a baby's ass.
CN: 祈祷是鲍鱼刷,洗刷干净你的罪孽,让你的皮肤变得像啤啤屁股亮滑。
EN: Mr. Baek said there are good kidnappings and bad kidnappings. He said it was a good kidnapping if the child is returned safely, and since they're rich, a little ransom wouldn't make much difference… And although they'd have to worry a few days… The emotional reunion would make the family bond more closely.
CN: 白老师说绑票有好坏之分,他说好的绑票让孩子安全回家,他们家有钱,一点赎金不是问题。他们会有几天担心…但劫后余生的经验,会令家庭关系更牢固。
EN: So the kidnapper had kidnapped a kidnapper's kid. Isn't that funny? I thought it was.
CN: 一个绑匪绑架另一个绑匪的孩子,不好笑吗?我觉得好笑。
EN: It has to be pretty. Everything should be pretty, it has a very short range. So get up close when you shoot, if you can hear his heart beating… And see the sweat on his forehead, even better. It's like playing golf. You get good hits with good form.
CN: 一定要漂亮,一切都要漂漂亮亮,它的射程很短,所以要走近他,能听到他的心跳…看见他额头的汗珠就更好,就像打高球,状态好才打得准。
EN: That's right, you have to make atonement. Big atonement for big sins… Small atonement for small sins.
CN: 犯了罪便得赎罪,大罪大赎罪,小罪小赎罪。
- Be white. Live white. Like this.
- You, too, more white.
- 要雪白,雪白地存活,像这样。
- 你也一样,要更雪白。