EN: What is more inspiring for a writer than to sleep among books? This is where they found Father. They say his heart gave out. I think he died of chagrin.
CN: 对于作家来说,有什么能比睡在书海里更激发灵感?家父的遗体就是在这里被人发现的,据说死因是心力衰竭,我想他是死于失望。
EN: They…they've seen right through me. It's all nothing. A home, love, sex, marriage, friendship, all of it. I do. The whole point of living is learning to accept the great nothingness of life.
CN: 他们说得对,他们读懂了我,一切都是虚无,家、爱、性、婚姻、友谊,统统都是虚无的,真的,生活的全部意义,就是学会接受生命的伟大虚无。
EN: You think your know how life will be, and suddenly it's gone.
CN: 你自以为知道生活之路通向何方 ,可突然间,它却消失了。
EN: The literary world doesn't need me. But the mine's a sinking ship. It needs a proper captain to save her.
CN: 文学界不需要我,但是矿业危在旦夕,需要我来拯救。
- You talk about them as if they're herd animals.
- Not all of them. An individual may rise from the pack now and again. Most of those men have been ruled since time began.
- 你谈论他们的口气就好像他们是一群牲口。
- 不全都是,时不时地会有人从人群中脱颖而出,这些人中的大多数有史以来就是被人统治的。
EN: Seems a wrong and bitter thing to be bringing a child into this world.
CN: 把孩子生到这个世界上,似乎是一件错误而痛苦的事情。
EN: I'm pleased for you to be pleased. But when I think about around here, what man has done to man…what leaders of men have done to their so-called fellow men. Reduced them to less than humanness. Half corpses and they think about nowt but money. Living to make money.
CN: 我为你高兴而感到高兴,可看看这个世界,人们是怎么对待自己同类的,领袖是怎么对待所谓的同胞的,他们泯灭了人性,就像行尸走肉,一心只想着钱,活着就是为了赚钱。
EN: 爱和善意是一种羞耻。
I tried to support you in every way I could. But you gave me nothing in return. Not the slightest drop of affection or kindness. And what's worse, you made me feel ashamed for even wanting those things.
CN: 我试着尽我所能地支持你,但是你没有给我任何回报,没有丝毫的爱意或善意,更糟的是你让我觉得渴望爱和善意是一种羞耻。
EN: What we have…together is different than anything I've ever known. There's a little flame between us. It's always burning. And I've come to believe that tending a fire like that is…purpose enough for any life.
CN: 我们在一起的激情,是我以前从没经历过的,我们之间有一团小小的火焰,它一直在燃烧,我开始相信照料这团火焰,就是很有价值的人生目标。