Lady Chatterley's Lover


Lady Chatterley's Lover (Original Title)



What is more inspiring for a writer than to sleep among books? This is where they found Father. They say his heart gave out. I think he died of chagrin.

They…they've seen right through me. It's all nothing. A home, love, sex, marriage, friendship, all of it. I do. The whole point of living is learning to accept the great nothingness of life.

‎你自以为知道生活之路通向何方 ,可突然间,它却消失了。
You think your know how life will be, and suddenly it's gone.

The literary world doesn't need me. But the mine's a sinking ship. It needs a proper captain to save her.

-‎ 你谈论他们的口气‎就好像他们是一群牲口。
-‎ 不全都是,时不时地会有人从人群中脱颖而出,‎这些人中的大多数有史以来就是被人统治的。
- You talk about them as if they're herd animals.
- Not all of them. An individual may rise from the pack now and again. Most of those men have been ruled since time began.

Seems a wrong and bitter thing to be bringing a child into this world.

I'm pleased for you to be pleased. But when I think about around here, what man has done to man…what leaders of men have done to their so-called fellow men. Reduced them to less than humanness. Half corpses and they think about nowt but money. Living to make money.

I tried to support you in every way I could. But you gave me nothing in return. Not the slightest drop of affection or kindness. And what's worse, you made me feel ashamed for even wanting those things.

What we have…together is different than anything I've ever known. There's a little flame between us. It's always burning. And I've come to believe that tending a fire like that is…purpose enough for any life.

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