La La Land

La La Land

La La Land (Original Title)

Aspiring actress serves lattes to movie stars in between auditions and jazz musician Sebastian scrapes by playing cocktail-party gigs in dingy bars. But as success mounts, they are faced with decisions that fray the fragile fabric of their love affair, and the dreams they worked so hard to maintain in each other threaten to rip them apart.


EN: The thing is... You're acting like life' me on the ropes. I want to be on the ropes. Okay? I'm just - I'm letting life hit me until it gets tired. And then I'm gonna hit back. It's a classic "Rope-a-dope".
CN: 事实上你表现得好像生活已经把我逼入绝境了似的,我就想被逼入绝境,好吗,我就要让生活,不断打击我,直到它累了,然后我再狠狠反击,这是经典的"倚绳战术"。

EN: That's L.A. They just...They worship everything and they value nothing.
CN: 这就是洛杉矶,人们崇拜一切却又什么都不珍惜。

EN: I've been to a million of auditions and the same thing happens every time! Where I get interrupted because someone wants to get a sandwich! Or I'm crying and they start laughing!
CN: 我去了上百万次试镜,每次都会发生同样的事,就因为别人想要三明治,我就会被打断,或者我在哭,他们却开始笑。

EN: It's dying, Mia. It's dying on the vine. And the world says, "Let it die. It had its time". Well, not on my watch.
CN:  爵士乐在消亡,米娅,它濒临死亡,世人都说"就任其消亡吧  它已经辉煌过了",我不会让这种事发生的。

EN: You holding on to the past, but jazz is about the future.
CN: 你总是抓着过去不放,可爵士乐是未来。

- I just I mean find it relaxing.
- It's not relaxing. It's not. It's not! Sidney Bechet shot somebody...because he told him he played a wrong note. That's hardly relaxing.
- 我觉得它能令人放松
- 爵士乐不是令人放松的,不是的,西德尼·贝谢开枪打了某个人,因为对方说他弹错了一个音,一点都不令人放松。

♪ City of stars, are you shining just for me? ♪ 
♪ City of stars, there's so much that I can't see ♪ 
♪ Who knows? ♪ 
♪ Is this the start of something wonderful? ♪ 
♪ Or one more dream that I cannot make true? ♪ 
♪ 繁星之城  你是否只为我闪耀 ♪
♪ 繁星之城  浮世三千我看不清 ♪
♪ 谁知道呢 ♪
♪ 这是美妙缘分的开端吗 ♪
♪ 抑或又一个我无法实现的梦 ♪

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