EN: An enemy attack is a good thing. It proves we've made a clear distinction to separate us.
CN: 被敌人攻击是好事,这证明我们已经与敌人划清界限。
EN: I no longer love you. You interfere. You worry me. Love's too difficult with you. I hate how you discuss things you ignore. I don't love you.
CN: 我不再爱你了,你干扰我工作,你让我焦虑,和你一起爱情过于复杂,我厌恶你谈论自己并不熟悉的东西的样子,我不爱你。
EN: Why are you looking at me? I'm not a strange animal. I'm a human being. And your look is the same as Whites in America looking at Blacks or Arabs looking at Jews, or vice versa in the Middle East. And in the Communist world, Russians looking at Chinese.
CN: 你为什么看着我?我不是什么奇怪的动物,我是人类,你的目光,就像美国白人看待黑人,或阿拉伯人看待犹太人,或在中东反过来那样,也像在共产主义世界里俄国人看待中国人那样。
EN: The Egyptians believed their language was that of the gods. One day, to prove it, they put new-born babies in a house far from any society to see if they would learn to talk. To speak Egyptian alone. They came back 15 years later. And what did they find? The kids talking together, but bleating like sheep. They hadn't noticed that next to the house was a sheep-pen.
CN: 从前,埃及人相信他们的语言是神的语言,有一天,为了证明这一点,他们把新生儿关在一间远离社会的房子里,看看他们能不能学会说话,学会说埃及语,十五年后他们回来看,他们发现了什么?小孩确实在说话,然而是发出羊的叫声,他们没有注意到房子旁边是一个羊圈。
"In her eyes are fear and innocence...humility.
Not of a servant, but a friend and a woman,
with a wide and precise mouth, not persuasive but loyal.
A kind forehead willingly bending in silence.
In all that, agreement can only be guessed.
Not in pain or success...as if from a scattered past, something serious appeared."
并非仆役那种 而是作为朋友和女人的谦卑
EN: So 1967 France is like dirty dishes.
CN: 1967年的法国,是不是有点像脏盘子?
EN: I had to sweep in the dark. Already the metro was dark. So I went from dark to darkness. Always black.
CN: 我得在黑暗中扫地,我走的时候地铁里也已经黑了,我从黑暗回到黑暗,所以整天都是黑的。
EN: Marxism-Leninism? Definitions. When the sun sets, it's all red. Then it disappears. But in my heart the sun never sets.
CN: 马克思列宁主义?要我定义吗?太阳落山的时候,整个天空都是红的,然后它就消失了,但在我心中,太阳永远不会落山。
EN: Stalin's death meant freedom for research and a fever of people rushing to philosophise about their feelings on liberation and their taste for freedom. Stalin's death gave us the right to count exactly what we own. To call both wealth and nakedness...by their real names, to think and talk aloud about our problems and to undertake serious research. Stalin's death allowed us to get partially away from our provincial theories. To recognise and know the existence of others aside from us and seeing this exterior, begin to see ourselves better. To know the place we occupy in the knowledge and ignorance of Marxism and then begin to know ourselves.
CN: 斯大林之死带来了真正的研究自由,以至于大量的人急于将他们,对解放后个人感悟的政治解读,和他们对自由的喜爱标榜为“哲学”;斯大林之死给了我们权力,去清点我们实际都拥有什么,去用真名称呼,丰裕与困窘,去思考和大声说出我们的问题,并去进行严谨的探究;斯大林之死使我们能够部分地脱离我们理论上的狭隘,能够承认并了解我们自己以外的其他人,并通过看清外部,来更好地看清自己内部,能够了解我们在对马克思主义的理解,和对其的无知中所处的位置,从而能够开始认识自己。
EN: No matter how you look at it, the road to socialism leads to revolution. But your question reveals a false underlying notion. Where do just ideas arise? Where do just ideas come from? Out of the sky. No, they come from social interaction, and...The fight to produce? Yes, and then...From scientific research. From the class struggle. Some classes are victorious, others defeated. That's history.
CN: 社会主义道路必然要经过革命,还有从你的问题里可以看出,你做了一个不正确的假设,正义的思想从何而来?从天上掉下来?不,它们来自社会实践,还来自哪里?生产斗争?科学研究,阶级斗争,某些阶级胜利了,其它失败了,那就是历史。
EN: Give up illusions and prepare to fight.
CN: 我们要放弃幻想,准备战斗。
EN: I thought I passed them by, but we stopped in the same cafes. We were at the station together, had the same rain and nearly the same work. That's where I understood the three basic inequalities of capitalism and especially of the Gaullist regime in France. No difference in intellectual and manual work between town and country. I see those here all the time. Third, between farming and industry. That also pushed me to study Marxism-Leninism.
CN: 我以为我只是路过他们,但我们走同样的路,去同样的咖啡馆,在同样的车站下车,淋同样的雨,几乎做同样的工作,那时我就明白了,资本主义以及特别是法国高卢政权的三种基本的不平等现象,唔,第一是在智力和体力工作者之间的互不关心,第二:乡村与城市之间的互不关心,这一点,我和伊芳在这里随时可见,第三:农业和工业之间的互不关心,这些也把我推向了马克思列宁主义。
“We couldn't criticize them then.
And youth all aflame holds nothing back.
Hate, love, sorrow, happiness.
It is ready to pour out its heart.
In love like an invalid, Onéguine...
With a serious look, Onéguine listened to the poet's heart reveal its guileless awareness.”
EN: The war in Asia, Vietnam, then. Who are the actors? The Americans. Americans... who have dropped more bombs on a tiny country than during the World War and are wrong in their doctrine.
CN: 那么就亚洲的战争,就是说越南,美国人,他们在那个小国里扔下的炸弹,比在整个二战时扔的都多,他们的信条是错误的。
EN: Art doesn't reproduce the visible. It makes visible. But the aesthetic effect is imaginary. Yes, but the imaginary doesn't reflect reality. It's the reality of the reflection.
CN: 艺术并不复刻可见物,它使事物可见,但审美效果是想象出来的,是的,但想象出来的东西不是对现实的反映,它是这种反映的现实。