EN: Even extras are actors.
CN: 临时演员也是演员。
EN: Though you guys play the roles of pedestrians, but your roles still have life an soul.
CN: 虽然你们是扮演路人甲乙丙丁,但是一样是有生命有灵魂的。
EN: Shit, you're a dump of shit. Your life is cheaper than ants. I ride a Mercedes, you pick your nostril.
CN: 屎,你是一滩屎,命比蚁便宜,我开奔驰,你挖鼻屎。
EN: Miss, if you must call me an extra, you don't need to add 'damned' in front of it.
CN: 小姐,如果你一定要叫我跑龙套的,你可不可以不要加一个"死"字在前面啊。
EN: You managed to get 20 protection money in front of a temple. You're making a fame for yourself. You do look like a hero.
CN: 在天后庙面前,都能收到二十块钱保护费,也算是扬名立宗的第一步。
- Congratulations. You will become an excellent club girl.
- Thanks. You will become an excellent damned extra too.
- 恭喜你啦,你一定会成为一个很出色的坐台小姐
- 多谢,你一定会成为一个很出色死跑龙套的
- Is it possible if you don't go to work? I'll support your libing!
- Take care of your living first, nuts.
- 不上班行不行啊?我养你呀
- 你先照好你自己吧,傻瓜
EN: I'm much better than those so-called actors. I'm more skillful. Because I'm acting every day when I work here. Though I have no script, I never make any NG. Because any NG will cause the death of me. I should be the Best Actor in Oscar.
CN: 我比那些所谓的演员更加专业,更加高尚,更加有技巧,因为我每天的生活都在演戏,虽然我没有剧本,但是我绝对不会NG,因为我一NG可能会连命都没有,我才应该拿奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。
EN: What's going on? It's dark already, and you didn't give me a call? Shall I cook dinner for you? What's happen to you? Didn't you play as the leading actor? I don't care whether you're a leading actor or an extra. You must support my living forever. Come on, try it and see if it suits or not. Red? Is it lipstick? You're dating someone else? I forgive you but I won't cook for you if you dare next time, go! Waht are you looking at? Fight back, nuts!
CN: 你干什么去了? 天都黑了 也不打电话回来,煮不煮你的饭?你怎么穿成这样,你不是演主角吗?不管你是主角也好 跑龙套的也好,你都要养我一辈子的啊,来试试看合适吗,哇,红色的唇膏印?你去鬼混啊?呐,这次我放你一条生路啊,再有下次,我不给你饭吃,走,走啦,看什么看?不服气啊?打我啊笨蛋。