EN: Sign of the times, I'm afraid. Everything changes, bit by bit.
CN: 时代是一直在变,什么事都是会变的。
EN: I hope you find a good town. I bet it's real tough to find a town to live in by yourself.
CN: 希望你能找到一个好城市,要找到一个适合自己住的城市很不容易啊。
- Let me guess. You're a witch in training.
- Yes, but people don't seem fond of witches in this town.
- It's a big city, so there are all kinds of people.
- 原来你是来找属于自己的城市的
- 不过现在看起来,这里的人好像不喜欢魔女
- 这是个大城市嘛,什么样的人都有。
EN: I loved to paint so much. I'd paint all day until I fell asleep at my easel. Then, one day, for some reason, I couldn't paint anymore. I tried and tried, but nothing I did seemed any good. They were copies of paintings I'd seen somewhere before, and not very good copies, either. I just realized that I had to paint my painting.
CN: 画画让我好开心,连睡觉都觉得是浪费时间,可是有一天,我却突然画不出东西来了,不管怎么画都不满意,那时候我才知道,以前我的画都是模仿别人,还觉得自己了不起呢,那时候才知道要画出自己的东西。
EN: The genetic inheritance of the witch, the genetic inheritance of painting, the genetic inheritance of making bread, each person has his innate traits, and in the end will definitely be able to suffer.
CN: 魔女的遗传、画画的遗传、做面包的遗传,每一个人都有他与生俱来的特质,最后一定能苦尽甘来。
EN: "Jiji and I are doing fine at the moment. Regarding my work, everything is falling into place. I'm starting to gain some confidence. There are still some times when I feel homesick, but all in all, I sure love this city."
CN: 我很好,吉吉也很好,我的工作已经上了轨道,而且我的信心也增加了,虽然也有难过的时候,可是,我真的好喜欢这个城市喔。