

Joker (Original Title)

Arthur Fleck works as a clown and is an aspiring stand-up comic. He has mental health issues, part of which involves uncontrollable laughter. Times are tough and, due to his issues and occupation, Arthur has an even worse time than most. Over time these issues bear down on him, shaping his actions, making him ultimately take on the persona he is more known as...Joker.


1、Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?

2、Comedy is subjective, Murray. Isn't that what they say? All of you, the system that knows so much, you decide what's right or wrong the same way that you decide what's funny...or not. 

3、"Are you having any negative thoughts?" All I have are negative thoughts.

4、They don't give a shit about people like you, Arthur. And they really don't give a shit about people like me, either.

5、I haven't been minute of my entire fucking life.

6、You know what's funny? You know what really makes me laugh? I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize it's a fucking comedy.

7、- I just think...just thinking of this joke.
- You wanna tell it to me?
- You wouldn't get it.

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