1、I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. The rabbit is no coward. The humble little bunny faces a dangerous world every day, hunting carrots for his family, for his country.
2、You'll know when it happens. You'll feel it. It's a pain. In your tummy. Like, like, you're full of butterflies.
3、Champagne, if you're happy. Champagne, if you're sad. You drive a car. Gamble if you want. Own diamonds. Learn how to fire a gun. You travel to Morocco. Take up lovers. Make them suffer. You look a tiger in the eye. And trust without fear. That's what it is to be a woman.
4、- What's the first thing you'll do when you're free?
- Dance.
5、- Now, Jojo Betzler, what is your mind?
- Snake mind.
- And, Jojo Betzler, what is your body?
- Wolf body.
- Jojo Betzler, what is your courage?
- Panther courage.
- And, Jojo Betzler, what is your soul?
- A German soul.
6、Today you boys will be involved in such activities as marching, bayonet drills, grenade-throwing, trench-digging, map-reading, gas defense, camouflage, ambush techniques, war games, firing guns, and blowing stuff up. The girls will practice important womanly duties such as dressing wounds, making beds, and learning how to get pregnant.
7、O-M Gott. He looks like a Picasso painting.
8、- Love is the strongest thing in the world.
- I think you'll find that metal is the strongest thing in the world. Followed closely by dynamite, and then muscles.