

Jane (Original Title)

The protagonist of the movie is Jane Goodall, a zoologist with an excellent reputation in the world, who traveled to the primitive forests of Africa in her twenties and spent thirty-eight years in the wild there in order to observe chimpanzees, and then traveled around the world all year round to call for the protection of wildlife and the earth's environment.


EN: I wanted to come as close to talking to animals as I could. To be like Doctor Doolittle. I wanted to move among them without fear, like Tarzan.
CN: 我想要尽量靠近动物,与它们交谈,就像怪医杜立德一样,我想要毫无畏惧地在它们中间走动,就像泰山一样。

EN: I had dreamed of being in Africa, of living in the bush among wild animals. And suddenly, I found I was actually living in my dream. I already felt that I belonged to this new forest world. That this was where I was meant to be.
CN: 我就一直梦想着来到非,在树丛中和野生动物们生活在一起,突然间我发现自己真的是过着梦想中的生活,我已经觉得自己属于 这个新森林世界了,这里才是我注定要待的地方。

EN: It was an unparalleled period.When aloneness was a way of life. And even as I was, bit by bit, piecing together something of their way of life.
CN: 这是一段绝无仅有的时光,孤独成了一种生活方式,正如我在一点点拼凑出它们的部分生活轨迹。

EN: Truth is stranger than fiction and fiction can be transformed into prophecy.
CN: 现实比虚构之事更加奇特,而虚构之事可以变成预言。

EN: War had always seemed to meto be a purely human behavior. I had come to accept that the dark and evil side of human nature was deeply embedded in our genes, inherited from our ancient primate ancestors.
CN: 在我看来战争似乎一直都是纯粹的人类行为,我开始接受人性中黑暗 邪恶的一面,是根植在我们的基因中,这是我们从古老的灵长类祖先那里继承来的。

EN: In the forest, death is not hidden; it's all around you, all the time. A part of the endless cycle of life.
CN: 在森林里 死亡不会隐藏起来,死亡无时无刻不发生在你周围,这是生命无尽循环的一部分。

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