EN: I've got a strong heart, right? It will get you to the Olympics.
CN: 我的心脏像发动机是吧医生?你可以直接带着这么一个心脏去奥林匹克!
EN: Look. One tear from a man, half a zloty. I'm buying. Goodnight.
CN: 看一滴男儿泪值50其硬币,我会买下的,晚安。
- Thank you for a wonderful evening.
- Thank you for letting me go.
- 谢谢你给了一个美好的晚上
- 我也谢谢你还我自由。
EN: When a game is just a game it's no fun.
CN: 如果游戏仅仅是游戏就没那么有意思了。
EN: One of my friends says all chicks are the same. Stupid. Some of them are pretty and some are not. But I don't think he's met you.
CN: 我的一个朋友认为所有女人都一样,他说女人都笨,只是有的女人漂亮,有的女人丑陋,不过,我猜他没见识过你。
EN: Lips that luckily are not too provocative. But, thanks to their unique character, thanks to their shape, contour and colour, they promise a bewildering sensual experience. Here's to your lips, Pelagia.
CN: 感谢上帝,嘴唇不是调情的敏感部位,由于嘴唇特殊的外形…轮廓和颜色,它们隐藏着…性欲迷人的承诺,敬你的嘴唇,佩拉吉娅。
EN: Our life is meaningless. And if there is a meaning, it's beyond human understanding.
CN: 发生在我们生活周围的每一件事情都缺少情调,即使有情调,都要看人类的理解。
EN: Older people say that we, young people, can't see past ourselves. It's possible. But how could we be any different? Our generation has no illusions. It's obvious to us that we know nothing of the world we live in. We're worse than the sparrows.
CN: 人们说我们这一代看不到我们背后的东西,也许他们说得对,但假如我们所有年轻人都没有幻想的话,那不成了千篇一律了?我们知道世上还有很多事情我们不是很明白,知道的甚至比麻雀少。
EN: A reasonable person knows that human life is a game. One has to bet on different numbers to have better chances of winning. Some people always bet on the same numbers.
CN: 通达的人知道生命仅仅是一场游戏,而他得押上不同的数字…以保证美好结果的安全,有人押上不同的数字,最后殊途同归。
EN: What's the difference between a tape recording and real life? There is no difference. Life is like a tape recording. First you record something, then you check how it sounds and at the end you erase everything. Stupid, isn't it?
CN: 磁带和生活之间有什么不同?没有不同,先生们,生活就跟磁带差不多,你先记录它,然后拿出来听,最后你必须删除它时,殊途同归。