EN: You listen to suwamu. You leave Lanka.
CN: 听苏华武的话,就会更长命。
EN: I could have been your greatest adventure.
CN: 我的身体才是最好的探险地带。
- And what sort of research would you do on me?
- Nocturnal activities.
- You mean like what sort of cream I put on my face at night, what position I like to sleep in?
- Mating customs.
- Love rituals?
- Primitive sexual practices.
- So you're an authority in that area?
- Years of fieldwork.
- 你要研究我什么?
- 你的“夜间活动”
- 研究我擦什么美容霜?我的睡姿?
- 交配习惯
- 爱的仪式?
- 原始的性习惯
- 你是那方面的权威吗?
- 我有多年临床经验。
EN: My grandpa was a magician. He spent his entire life with a rabbit in his pocket and pigeons up his sleeves. He made a lot of children happy and died a very poor man.
CN: 我爷爷一辈子玩魔术变戏法,他让儿童欢笑,但自己穷一辈子。
EN: The British in India will be slaughtered. Then we will overrun the muslims. Then the Hebrew god will fall. And then the Christian god will be cast down and forgotten. Soon, Kali ma will rule the world.
CN: 在印度的英国人将被屠杀,然后我们灭回教、犹太教,消灭基督教,不久,卡里神将统治世界。
EN: I'm going home to Missouri where they never feed you snakes, before ripping your heart out and lowering you into hot pits! This is not my idea of a swell time!
CN: 我要回密苏里,那里不吃蛇肉,不开膛挖心,也不拿火烤人,这种刺激不好玩。
- You could've kept it.
- What for? They'd just put it in a museum.
- 你本可带走神石。
- 带走干嘛?那只会放在博物馆。