EN: What is the most resilient parasite? A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient. Highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain, it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed, fully understood, that sticks. Right in there somewhere.
CN: 最强大的寄生虫是什么?是细菌?是病毒?还是肠道蠕虫?是一个想法,顽强无比,感染性极强,你头脑中一旦形成一个想法,那就几乎无法抹去,只要这个想法完整而被理解,就会深深根植在那里,在大脑里的某个地方。
EN: Okay, here's me planting an idea in your head. I say, "Don't think about elephants". What are you thinking about? Elephants.
CN: 现在我来对你植入一个想法,我说"不要去想大象",你会想到什么?大象。
EN: Never recreate places from your memory, always imagine new places. Because building a dream from your memory...is the easiest way to lose your grasp on what's real and what is a dream.
CN: 绝不能重建你记忆里的场景,必须创造新的东西,因为借用记忆中的场景塑造梦境,极易让你迷失何为梦境何为现实。
EN: I realize I don't wanna regret this moment, that I..I need to see their faces one last time.
CN: 我知道我不想为此后悔,我要最后再看一眼他们的面孔。
EN: At the end, he called me to his deathbed. He could barely speak. But he took the trouble to tell me one last thing. He pulled me close. And I could only make out one word -- disappointed.
CN: 他临终前把我叫到他床前,他连说话都很困难了,却仍耗尽最后一口气,告诉我一件事,他把我拉近,我只勉强听清了一个词:失望。
EN: Eventually, she told me the truth. She was possessed by an idea. This one very simple idea that changed everything, That our world wasn't real, That she needed to wake up to come back to reality...
CN: 她最终告诉了我真相,她一直挥之不去一个想法,这个微不足道的想法却改变了一切,那便是我们的世界不是真的,她必须醒过来回到现实世界。
EN: We both wanted to live in that house, but we loved this type of building. In the real world, we'd have to choose, but not here.
CN: 我们都想住那种别墅,但又钟爱高楼大厦,在真实世界里我们必须取舍,但在这不用。
EN: An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. A smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you. The smallest idea such as "your world is not real," Simple little thought that changes everything.
CN: 想法就像病毒,顽强无比,感染性极强,再细微的念头也会生根发芽,它能塑造你,也能毁灭你,一个小小的念头比如"你的世界不是真的",微不足道却改变了一切。
EN: That death was the only escape. You're waiting for a train, The train that'll take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, But you can't know for sure. But it doesn't matter.
CN: 死亡是唯一的解脱,你在等待一列火车,那列火车将载你远去,你了然自己心向何方,却不知自己会被载往何处,但这并不重要。
EN: We did, you don't remember? I miss you more than I can bear, but...we had our time together. I have to let you go. I have to let you go.
CN: 我们的确白头偕老了,不记得了吗?我想你想到无法呼吸,但是...我们厮守了一生,现在我必须放手了,放手让你安息。