CN: 北京,变得这么快,二十年的功夫它已经成为一个现代化城市,我几乎从中找不到任何记忆里的东西,事实上这种变化已破坏了我的记忆,使我分不清幻觉和真实。
EN: Beijing has changed so fast. In 20 years, it's become a modern city. Almost nothing is as I remembered. These changes have wiped out my memories, and I can no longer distinguish between illusion and reality.
CN: 我的故事总是发生在夏天,炎热的气候使人们裸露的更多,也更难以掩饰心中的欲望,那时候好像永远是夏天,太阳总是有空出来伴随着我们,阳光充足,太亮,使得眼前一阵阵发黑。
EN: My stories always take place in summer. People expose more of themselves in the heat and find it harder to control their desires. At that time, it seemed that summer would last forever. The sun always had time to come out and accompany me. The sunlight was so abundant, so bright, that our eyes were washed in waves of blackness.
CN: 七十年代中期,北京还没有那么多的汽车和豪华饭店,街上也没有那么多人,比我们大几岁的都去了农村和部队,这座城市属于我们。
EN: In the mid-1970s, Beijing didn't have so many cars or luxury hotels, or even that many people on the streets. Kids older than us had all gone to the countryside or into army units, and the town belonged to us.
CN: 我迷恋上了钥匙,并开始制造它们,先是把自己家的各种锁一一打开,偷看大人的秘密,后来就发展到未经邀请地去开别人家锁着的门,每当锁舌“当”的一声跳开,我便陷入无限的欣喜之中,这种感觉,这种感觉只有二战中攻克柏林的苏联红军战士才能体会得到。
EN: I was crazy about keys and I even started to make them myself. At first I practiced on all the locks at home, peering into my parents' secrets. Then I began breaking into other people's homes. Every time the bolt released with a click, I was propelled into a realm of sheer bliss. This feeling...This feeling could have only been known by the Soviets as they attacked Berlin in WWII.
CN: 视野有多大,她的形象便有多大,想象力有多丰富,她的神情就有多少种暗示。
EN: Her image filled the entire scope of my vision, and the suggestiveness of her gaze was bounded only by my imagination.
CN: 我终日游荡在这栋楼的周围,像只热铁皮屋顶上的猫,焦躁不安地守候着画中人的出现,她像一个幽灵,来无踪,去无影,只有我的感觉和嗅觉里,留下的一些痕迹和芳香。
EN: I spent the days wandering around on top of that building, like a cat on a hot tin roof. Restlessly I waited for the girl in the picture to appear. She was like a ghost, leaving neither trace nor shadow as she came and went. Yet I could still sense a vestige of her impression, a trace of her fragrance, that verified her existence.
CN: 反正我知道,你爹有俩老婆,一个在乡下,一个就是现在的,要不你们怎么一个叫忆苦,一个叫思甜呢?
EN: I heard he has two wives, one back in the countryside, and a new one. Why do you think one's called Sitian ("thinking sweetness") and the other is called Yiku ("recalling bitterness")?
I want to fly!
I want to fly high in the sky,
through the clouds, all way to the Kremlin!
I'll fly to Leningrad!
CN: 跟大蚂蚁当英雄,玩什么瓦西里。
EN: You asked me to go there, and then you just ignore me, and play some heroes, some Vastly, from Lenin in October.
CN: 那是我一生中最美好的一天,晨风的抚摸使我一阵阵地起着鸡皮疙瘩,周身发麻,我还记得有股烧荒草的味道特别好闻,可是大夏天哪来的荒草呢?但无论怎样,记忆中那年夏天发生的事,总是伴随着那么一股烧荒草的味儿。
EN: That was the most perfect day of my life. The caresses of the morning breeze raised goosebumps on my skin, and my whole body tingled. I still remember the particularly aromatic smell of dead grass burning. But who'd be burning dead grass at the height of summer? Whatever the truth is, in my memory, everything that happened that summer is accompanied by the smell of burning grass.
CN: 同志们,咱们两眼一抹黑,要特别地小心,打枪的不要,悄悄地进村儿。
EN: Comrades. We're all clueless. Just be careful. Hold your fire and slip into the village.
CN: 听,你听,有时候一种声音或是一种味道,可以把人带回真实的过去,现在我的头脑如皎洁的月亮一般清醒。
EN: Listen hey, listen! Sometimes a particular sound or smell can take you back into the actual past. My head is now as lucid as a bright moon. So, H! continue with my story, never mind whether it's the truth or not.