If You Are the One

If You Are the One

非诚勿扰 (Original Title)

Qin Fen's genius invention "Disagreement Terminal" is bought by a venture capitalist for £2 million because it can solve human disagreements in a fair and peaceful manner. Qin Fen also starts to embark on the road of online marriage recruitment, but the jokes keep coming along the way, either re-encountering Gay friends or meeting salesmen.


EN: I'm what they call a "three strikes" returnee: No company. No stocks. No degree.
CN: 我应该被定性为一只没有公司、没有股票、没有学位的三无伪海龟。

EN: Just that when I left China, only national heroes could afford a grave normal folk's ashes were kept on shelves.
CN: 我走那会儿,只有烈士才有墓地呢,老百姓都存架子上。

EN: Even from dozens of miles away animals can sense each other, people are just like animals.
CN: 动物之间啊,就算隔着几十里远都可以闻到对方的气味,人跟动物都是一样的。

EN: First you fly to kunming, then a day's bus ride to mengzi, then another bus to pingbian, then a day by tractor, another day by ox cart, and you're home.
CN: 先坐飞机到昆明,再坐一天的长途车到蒙自,再换车到屏边,再坐一天的拖拉机,一天的牛车,就到我们家了。

- You believe the foundation for love is sex? 
- Not entirely, but love without sex is not love, that would be friendship.
- 您觉得爱情的基础就是性吗?
- 不完全是,可要是没有肯定不能叫爱情,顶多叫交情。

EN: An exiled song dynasty emperor happened upon these wetlands, like me, he was enchanted, he wanted to build his temporary palace here, but due to lack of funds, the project was abandoned the night before he had to leave, the emperor said: "West brook, may you remain here", and thus it earned its eternal name.
CN: 宋朝有个皇帝他逃亡经过这儿,就跟我一样迷上了西溪,想把行宫也建在西溪,后来由于经费不够不得已放弃了这一打算,在临走之前依依不舍,说了句“西溪且留下”,就这样留下了西溪的千古美名。

EN: You said you didn't care if it was your own? if we don't tell him and the child only knows you, he would be just like your own.
CN: 你不是说你不在乎是不是亲生的吗?如果我们都不讲,小孩子一出生就看到你,他应该那不就等于是亲生的吗?

EN: Calling you "good-looking" would be an insult, you're ravishingly beautiful. a rare, precious beauty, if you were royalty you'd be up there with Diana,, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but, no exaggeration, even to a foe, you'd be beautiful.
CN: 用顺眼这词儿就低估你啦,你得算是秀色可餐,人潮中惊鸿一瞥,嫁到皇室去 都不输给戴安娜的那种,有的人是情人眼里才是西施,不过分的说仇人眼里你都是西施。

EN: As an investment, I'd be subprime, only a criminal would sell me to you, let's stop trading for today.
CN: 从投资的角度看,我就算不良资产,我这包袱说什么也不忍心抛给你,咱们今儿就先停盘吧。

EN: No medicine can heal my wounded heart, you're my best medicine.
CN: 什么药都医治不了我心里的创伤,你就是我最好的药。

EN: Your friend is extremely pious, but he has far too many sins, we're a small church, we don't have enough room. nearby is a much bigger church, so, please be so kind and take him there for confession.
CN: 你们的朋友非常虔诚,但是他的罪恶实在是太多了,我们的教堂太小,已经装不下他的罪恶了。这附近还有一个更大的教堂,你们可以把你们的朋友带到那里去做忏悔吗?

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