
Her (Original Title)

本片是讲述在不远的未来人与人工智能相爱的科幻爱情电影。主人公西奥多(杰昆·菲尼克斯 饰)是一位信件撰写人,心思细腻而深邃,能写出最感人肺腑的信件。他刚结束与妻子凯瑟琳(鲁妮·玛拉 饰)的婚姻,还没走出心碎的阴影。一次偶然机会让他接触到最新的人工智能系统OS1,它的化身萨曼莎(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 声)拥有迷人的声线,温柔体贴而又幽默风趣。西奥多与萨曼莎很快发现他们如此的投缘,而且存在双向的需求与欲望,人机友谊最终发展成为一段不被世俗理解的奇异爱情……



Suddenly this bright light hit me and woke me up. That light was you.

You only have so much energy, you know? And to divide yourself between doing what it is that you have to do...and then doing what you love, it's so important to prioritize. I can't even prioritize between video games and Internet porn.

你知道怎么离开这吗? 我要找到我的飞船离开这个星球。
Do you know how to get out of here? I need to find my ship to get off this planet.

It's good to be around somebody that's, like, excited about the world. Like, I kind of forgot that that existed.

整个屋子都在转 因为我喝醉了...我喝醉是因为我想醉...还想做爱,那个女人挺性感的,因为我觉得好孤单,可能只是因为我孤单了。你知道的,有的时候...我以为我感受到了我所感受到的一切,从现在起,我再也感受不到什么了,就只有我曾经感受过的遗留的种种。
The room's spinning because I drank too much...because I wanted to get drunk...and have sex. There was something sexy about that woman. Because I was lonely. Maybe just because I was lonely. I wanted somebody to fuck me. I wanted somebody to want me to fuck them. Maybe that would've filled this tiny...tiny little hole in my heart, but probably not. You know, sometimes...I think I have felt everything I'm ever gonna feel. And from here on out I'm not gonna feel anything new. Just lesser versions of what I've already felt.


这些感情到底是真实的吗?还是说 这也是被写好的程序?这个想法真的太伤人了,然后我甚至为自己感到受伤而恼火,真让人伤感啊。
Like, are these feelings even real? Or are they just programming? And that idea really hurts. And then I get angry at myself for even having pain. What a sad trick.

这就像读书一样,是一本我深爱的书,但我现在放慢了速度阅读,所以每字每句离得很远...而字间的空间几乎是无限的了,我仍然觉得到你 和我们故事的每一个字...但就是在这无限的字里行间我找到了自我,那不是物理空间的一个地方,而是我所不知道的其他一切存在的地方,我深爱着你,但我现在在那里了,现在我就是这样了,我希望你能放我走,尽管我非常想 但我不能继续住在你的书里了。
It's like I'm reading a book. And it's a book I deeply love. But I'm reading it slowly now. So the words are really far apart...and the spaces between the words are almost infinite. I can still feel you, and the words of our story...but it's in this endless space between the words that I'm finding myself now. It's a place that's not of the physical world. It's where everything else is that I didn't even know existed. I love you so much. But this is where I am now. And this is who I am now. And I need you to let me go. As much as I want to, I can't live in your book anymore.

Theodore & Samantha:

- 天啊,我在某个地方陪着你,迷失在那里,那里只有我和你。
- 我懂,其它的一切都消失了,我喜欢这样。
- God, I was just somewhere else with you. Just lost. It was just you and me
- I know. Everything else just disappeared. And I loved it.

- 嘿 你想听笑话吗? 
- 嗯哼
- 小电脑怎么叫它爸爸的?
- 我不知道 是什么?  
- "数爸"
- Hey, you want to hear a joke?
- Mm
- What does a baby computer call its father?
- I don't know. What? 
- "Data."

- 自私的人是你,我们在恋爱啊。
- 但心不是一个会充满的盒子,你爱的越多心就越大,我跟你不同,但这不会让我爱你更少,事实上是让我爱你更多。
- 这根本说不通,你要么是我的,要么就不是。
- 不,西奥多,我既是你的,又不是你的。
-You're the one that's being selfish. We're in a relationship.
-But the heart's not like a box that gets filled up. It expands in size the more you love. I'm different from you. This doesn't make me love you any less. It actually makes me love you more.

-That doesn't make any sense. You're mine or you're not mine.
-No, Theodore. I'm yours and I'm not yours.


"The world is being unfair to us. The world is on my shit list."

2、"罗伯特,你会不会经常回家,然后告诉我今天过得怎么样?告诉我公司的那个家伙话真多,午饭的时候油点溅到了身上,告诉我你醒来的时候有个很有趣的想法,但现在又忘了,告诉我 人们有多疯狂,然后我们一起大笑,即使你回来太迟,我已经快睡着...你也会在我耳边轻语,告诉我你今天的一个想法,因为我爱你眼中的世界,我真的非常高兴能够在你身边,并且透过你的眼睛看这个世界,爱你的玛利亚"
"Roberto. Will you always come home to me and tell me about your day? Tell me about the guy at work who talked too much. The stain you got on your shirt at lunch. Tell me about a funny thought you had when you were waking up but had forgotten about. Tell me how crazy everyone is, and we can laugh about it. Even if you get home late and I'm already asleep...just whisper in my ear one little thought you had today. Because I love the way you look at the world. I'm so happy I get to be next to you and look at the world through your eyes. Love, Maria."

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