

화차 (Original Title)

On a rainy day, Jang Mun-ho, who runs a pet hospital, takes Kang Seon-yeong, whom he will marry in a month's time, to his hometown to visit his parents. On the way, Moon Ho gets out of the car to do some shopping, and Seon-yeong mysteriously disappears from her boyfriend's side after answering a phone call. Anxious, Moon Ho searches for her, but discovers something he can't believe. Seon-yeong, who was bankrupt in 2007, is pictured as a different person from his missing fiancée.


EN: We'll live happily ever after. I'll make money. You'll spend it. I'll cook and you'll eat it, we'll make babies that look just like you and live like that.
CN: 我负责赚钱,你就负责花钱,我下厨做饭你吃饭,生一个像你的小孩,就这样过生活。

EN: There are two things that multiply like a snowball. It's lies and debt.
CN: 有两样东西会随着时间,像雪球一样越滚越大,那就是高利贷跟谎话。

EN: You can never understand the workings of murderers. They're completely different species altogether.
CN: 那些杀人魔的心态,你是不会懂的,那些人的想法我们到死都不会懂,因为他们就是完全不同的人种。

EN: Where the fuck do you think you're going? Wherever you go, your paths lead to me You got that?
CN: 今天起你人生的路,每一条都是通向我这里的,明白吗?

EN: Sometimes you get this bad taste in your mouth. You feel like it's not worth living. Like nothing you do will lead anywhere. How nice will it be to wipe your past clean?
CN: 人类呢,有时候嘴里会突然有种气味,感觉人生糟糕透顶了,不管做什么都会出差错。有时候甚至想,要是能把过去抛到脑后,远走高飞,那该多好啊。

EN: Peacock butterflies have pupil-like pattern on their wings when it senses danger, it spreads its wings wide to scare away the enemy and protect itself.
CN: 孔雀蛱蝶的翅膀上有像眼睛一样的花纹,遇到危险的时候它就会展翅,让花纹看起来显得特别大,那是为了让它显得很恐怖,以此来保护自己。

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