The God of Cookery

The God of Cookery

食神 (Original Title)

Steven Chow is a renowned gourmet in the food industry, but has always been arrogant and profit-oriented. He is framed by his right-hand man and is left with nothing overnight. In Temple Street, he met his big sister, Turkey, who had already fallen for him, and a group of bosses. Relying on Stephen Chow's business acumen...


EN: The curry fish ball now becomes tasteless, neither fish nor curry. That's a failure! You haven't selected the turnip. Too much fiber. A failure. The pig skin is overcooked. A failure. The pig blood is too soft. A failure, too. This pig colon is the worst. It's not properly washed. You can find shit inside. How come? Hey, shit!
CN: 好好的一颗咖喱鱼丸,让你做得是既没有鱼味又没有咖喱味,失败。萝卜没挑过,筋太多,失败。猪皮煮得太烂,没咬头,失败。猪血又烂西西的,一夹就散,失败中的失败。最惨的就是大肠了,里面根本没洗干净,还有陀屎,你有没有搞错啊?喂,有陀屎耶!

- But being ugly is not a fault.
- Sure.Being a chef, you must be considerate for the guests. Even female stars in porn movies must get plastic surgery on their busts.
- 难道丑也有罪啊?
- 有罪,作为一个厨师 当然应该考虑到顾客最细微的心理,就好比演三级片的女明星都要去隆乳来取悦观众。

EN: Even Confucius and Jesus said, "First love is wonderful."
CN: 孔子和耶稣都说过,“初恋无限美”。

EN: You've enraged the dean. You want to escape? No way!
CN: 得罪了方丈还想走,没那么容易。

EN: Amida Buddha. I come and go with the wind.
CN: 啊弥陀佛,我随风而来,随风而去。

EN: Good cooks always end up as beggars.
CN: 烧得菜烧得好,要饭要到老…要到老…

EN: Please reform and believe in Buddha.
CN: 放下屠刀,立地成佛。

EN: The secret of Flying Skills is that it can make a man who's as heavy as a seal fly up high in the sky, and make ghosts cry.
CN: 轻功的奥妙之处… 就是可以让一个好像肥猪那么重的人飞到半空之中,而且还可以叫得像杀猪一样。

EN: His hair turned white overnight.His love is so deep. What is love?Why is it forever?
CN: 施主他一夜白了发,情深义重,问世间情是何物,直教生死相许。

EN: Angels are everywhere in the street.
CN: 正是举头三尺有神灵,其实满街都是神仙呀。

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