EN: Yesterday's casualties, and others before them, are victims of the shameful private speculation transforming the face of our city more and more as it finds allies among the very men sitting in this room!
CN: 昨天的人员伤亡,还有之前的,都是无耻的私人投机的栖牲品,他们正渐渐地改变着我们的城市面貌,而在座很多人都在狼狈为奸。
EN: Naples is really two cities - one above ground and visible, and the other underground. In other words, the ground we build on is like Swiss cheese, full of holes. You have no idea what's underground: walkways, caves, crevasses.
CN: 那不勒斯其实是两个城市,一个地上的,一个地下的,换句话说,我们的建筑用地就像瑞士奶酪一样满是洞,你不清楚地下是什么,道路、洞穴、裂缝。
EN: You see these children? They need air, light, sanitary housing. They should never end up here.
CN: 看到这些孩子了吧?他们需要空气,光,干净的房子,他们不该在这儿。
EN: Money isn't like a car that can sit idle in a garage. It's like a horse that has to eat every day.
CN: 钱不是闲置在车栩的汽车,而是每天都得吃草的马。
EN: You're an outlaw. The law creates an urban plan, and you ignore it. You take away people's homes and jobs and don't give a damn where they end up. They certainly don't end up living here. Who asked you to? But you know no bounds. Two men died and a boy lost his legs, and you don't care! All that matters is stuffing your pockets. It's your methods I'm against, not the buildings. I want them built in accordance with the law, not your schemes!
CN: 你不守法,法律制定了城市规划,你却忽视了,你卷走了你们的家和工作,毫不关心他们结局怎样,他们当然不可能在这儿终老一生。没人要求你做慈善家,但是你丝毫不知节制,两个人死了,一个男孩失去双腿,你毫不在乎,你所关心的只是塞满腰包我反对的是你的方式,而不是这些大楼。
EN: In political life, moral indignation is a worthless commodity. You know what the only true sin is? Losing.
CN: 在政治生涯中,道德观念一文不值,你知道真正的罪恶是什么吗?失败。
EN: All this makes me wonder if what you really want is for those people to go on living in hovels, so you can carry on your usual propaganda.
CN: 我不禁怀疑你真正想要的,是让人们依旧住在贫民窟里,以便让你继续宣扬你的空谈。
EN: Always, in every society, when things begin to change, someone tries to grab everything he can.
CN: 在任何社会,一旦事情改变,有人就想抓住一切能抓住的救命稻草。
EN: Those who have been your "subjects" are waking up to their rights as citizens, and you know it.
CN: 那些曾是你「臣民」的人正在觉醒,来争取作为市民的权利。