EN: Lucky your father left you a score to settle, my father died peacefully, that's no use at all.
CN: 死前不忘留下深仇大恨,你真是有个好父亲,不像我父亲安享天年,一点用都没有。
EN: The samurai goes to the bath house daily, thanks to money made off peasants' backs...
CN: 跟农民压榨来的钱,好让武士天天去泡澡。
EN: I'll take my life gracefully just like the cherry blossoms, that's the warrior's way of death.
CN: 如樱花花瓣散落而逝,这才是武士,最符合武士道的死法。
EN: Right about where you're sitting now... The old man was bleeding to death, guts spurting. I wouldn't call that graceful...I'd call it a massacre. That's what a man's death means. Don't talk about living and dying, without being ready for the worst.
CN: 就在你现在坐的地方,父亲尚存一口气,他肚破肠流,剧痛打滚,哪有散落而逝,只有血肉模糊,那才是真正的死亡,如果你没有这种程度的觉悟,最好别再把生死挂在嘴上。
EN: What's the point in a world with no more war? Idiot. But a samurai teaching the abacus? Got nothing to do with avenging...
CN: 在这种和平盛世,学剑术能干嘛,不过教识字就算了,武士居然还能教珠算,而且跟报仇一点关系都没有。
EN: If, after living his whole life, your father left you nothing but hate, it would be unbearably sad.
CN: 如果你父亲到死之前,留给你的东西只有仇恨,那也太令人唏嘘了。
EN: What, a samurai? So spoiled. You have no skills, I wouldn't be so proud if I were you, what's the big deal over those two swords you have?
CN: 是武士啊,跩什么跩,一点生产力都没有,别太把自己当一回事,才带两把刀有啥了不起。
EN: Peasants grow rice. Merchants sell things. Just as that drunk said, samurai alone make nothing, and sell nothing. The samurai were meant to live, giving and taking life at war. Time has passed and war is over, but the samurai remain, I'd say that's the root of their troubles.
CN: 农民耕田种稻,商人买卖物品,刚刚那个醉汉说得也没错,只有武士不事生产,我认为武士是在战争中,用胜负让生命更有价值。时代更迭,已无战事,但是武士尚存,其存在价值会成为烦恼吧。
EN: The sword is not merely intended to inflict wounds and claim lives, when swords clash, life encounters life, death encounters death, in a tempestuous conflict, giving birth to a genuine dialogue. That is the samurai's joy and sorrow, that is the only path of the samurai.
CN: 剑并不是伤人夺命的工具,剑与剑相击如同生命在交锋,双方赌上性命,互相缠斗,这一种交流的方式,也是属于武士的满足。
- I'm a living creature, too. I deserve a better life.
- They say a dog's curse obstructs the birth of the shogun's heir. Maybe he ate one...
- 我也是个好好的生物,这世界为何不善待我一点?
- 人家说狗的诅咒会害人绝子绝孙,你是不是吃了狗肉?
- If I did, would it fill my stomach?
- It wouldn't fill your stomach, but if you had someone special, maybe you'd be a little less reckless.
- You're such a baby, Onobu. You know, having someone special would only make me more reckless.
- 爱情又不能填饱肚子
- 的确不能填饱肚子,可是当你心有喜欢的人,多少能改变自暴自弃的人生观
- 你真是天真,过这种苦日子,万一爱上谁,反而会更自暴自弃吧,不把人家的担心当一回事。
EN: You live in a filthy dump, dressed up like a samurai. You'll never amount to anything, anyway. What's so great about being a samurai? We were born better than you.
CN: 你住在脏兮兮的贫民户,别打扮成武士的样子,你一生没机会出人头地的,武士有什么了不起的,我们生下来就比你们伟大。