Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities

Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities

Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities (Original Title)

In this drama, critically acclaimed Academy Award-winning filmmaker, creator, executive producer and co-series director Guillermo del Toro plots an unprecedented and genre-defining series of stories designed to challenge our traditional notions of horror. From horror to magic, from gothic to grotesque or classical horror, these eight equally complex and sinister stories are brought to the screen by a team of writers and directors chosen by del Toro himself.



- The game I played was rigged. Lost this ear except for high-pitched ringing day in, day out. Fine. Wife? Gone. I'll take all the losses. But now it's my turn.
- You're not the only one that feels fucked, brother. Rigged? The front line is all Black and Brown. Maybe you didn't recall all the dark-skinned bodies you stepped over on your way to take a leak in the Perfume River.
- 我玩的游戏被套路了,我一边耳朵失聪一天到晚只听到尖锐的嗡嗡声,这也就算了,我老婆呢?跑了,这些损失我来承担 ‎如今轮到社会来弥补我了。
- 你不是唯一一个自觉无能为力的人,被套路?战争前线都是黑人和拉美裔人,你可能也忘记自己踩过多少黑人的尸体到越南香河撒尿了吧。

EN: Ah, yes. God. Silent, strong type that loves to see us squirm with free will and other delusions. But what about his adversary? Huh? Relentless, feisty even. You know, whispering in our ears at every waking moment. Huh?
CN: 是啊,上帝,强大却沉默的存在,就爱看我们在自由意识与其他妄想之间苦苦挣扎,而祂的敌人呢?不屈不挠,煞气腾腾,‎在我们醒着的每一刻都在耳边窃窃私语。


EN: Permit me to enlighten you. Are you aware that the very foundations of society are built on the respectful interment of the dead? We stopped being apes when we dug our first graves. It was the birth of civilization. And it will be its end when we cease to honor those that came before.
CN: 请允许我启迪你们的心智,你们知道人类社会的根基,建立在人们安顿死者以示敬意的活动上吗?第一次挖出坟坑那一刻 ,我们就不再是类人猿,那是人类文明诞生的标志,人们一旦对逝者失去敬意,人类文明也会随之瓦解。

EN: And Salem's rats are no ordinary rodents. No, they come from far-off lands. Have done for hundreds of years. As long as the port has existed, stowaways on trading ships returning from Malaysia, China, the Ivory Coast, ‎and other exotic lands where these creatures' ubiquitousness have inspired entire religions.
CN: 塞勒姆的老鼠可不是一般鼠类,它们来自遥远的地方活过上百年了,自港口出现以来就存在了,它们潜入从马来西亚、中国、象牙海岸等异国回航的商船前来,在这些鼠患猖獗的异国他乡,它们甚至给整个宗教界带来影响。

EN: "Long is the way and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light."
CN: “前路艰苦漫长,‎一出炼狱,终见光明。”


EN: A shooting star crossing the vast, indifferent night sky. Perhaps carrying an answer to that age-old question, are we alone in the universe? Recorded on a modest device, stained with blood and death, the answer is a decidedly terrifying… "no."
CN: 一颗流星,划过浩瀚平静的夜空,它有可能为一个古老的问题带来解答,即人类是不是宇宙中唯一的文明?根据一台沾染了血迹和死亡气息的老旧录音机所记录的音档,‎我们得到的答案令人细思极恐,答案是"不是"。

EN: Nate, I've known you 40 years. From the bottom of my heart, you're not that special. That's ego. Who are you to claim special qualities of sin from the rest of us? If you're cursed, we're all cursed.
CN: 奈特,我们认识四十年了,我打从心底认为,你没那么伟大,你这是自大,你凭什么认为可以替我们担当所有的罪责?如果你真被诅咒了,那所有人也都被诅咒了。

EN: We're all on the same conveyor belt, Nate. Some of us fall off a bit sooner than the rest, but…we're all heading for the same destination.
CN: 奈特 我们都坐在同一辆列车上,只是有些人比较早到站,不过…‎我们都在往同一个目的地前进。

EN: You are in your new home, but you won't be occupying it for long. There's been some vandalism, I'm afraid. The lights don't work. You'll also find the neighborhood a bit quiet. I should mention the plumbing has a terminal leak.
CN: 这是你的新家,但你不会住太久,这个新家恐怕已经遭到破坏了,灯坏了,你也会意识到这个小区有点安静,刚刚忘记提醒你,这个家的水管终端有漏损。


EN: You don't have to go under the knife to achieve perfection. Just use Alo Glo. Transform yourself from ugly duckling to stunning swan, starting at just 199.99. Alo Glo can fix it all. Call the number on your screen now. Alo Glo is the only skincare product that transforms your body, mind, and soul. Whether you want porcelain skin, you want to turn heads, you want to fit in, or just make sure those ladies at the bank never laugh at you again. You know how they look at you. Or should I say, how they don't look at you. Let's fix it.
CN: 拥有完美外形不需要动刀,只要用亮彩护肤霜,丑小鸭也能变成耀眼的天鹅,售价199.99美元起,亮彩护肤霜能解决所有烦恼,马上拨打屏幕上的热线号码,亮彩护肤霜是唯一能够改善你身体、思想、灵魂的护肤产品,无论是想要打造陶瓷肌,还是想要提高回头率或是想要融入群体中,抑或确保银行里的女同事不再取笑你,你也懂她们是怎么看你的,更贴切的说法是她们连看都不看你一眼,一起解决烦恼吧。

EN: Side effects may include…change of mood, stiff joints, hallucinations, fear of intimacy, internal emptiness, lack of ambition, lack of individualization, lack of independent thought and opinion. You may experience…activities previously considered pleasurable. But it's all worth it.
CN: 副作用包括,情绪不稳,关节僵硬 ,产生幻觉,害怕亲密关系,心灵空虚,缺乏动力,缺少个性,缺乏独立思考能力和个人主张,也可能会对先前享受的爱好失去兴趣…‎但这一切都是值得的。

EN: You're fine. You'll always be fine. You wanna know why? 'Cause you're a man. Men can be fat and hairy and ugly and impolite and old, and nobody cares. Everybody likes you. Everybody wants to talk to you.
CN: 你没有毛病,你永远都不会有毛病知道为什么吗?因为你是男人,男人再胖,再多毛,再丑,再失礼,再老 ,都不会有人介意,也不会有人讨厌你们,‎大家都想跟你们聊天。

EN: Stacey Elizabeth Chapman. You know what I love about you? You love to watch scary movies. Even though you're too scared to watch, 'cause then you can't sleep at night. You're so smart. You're so good at math. And you love nature. You love your taxidermy. You're an artist. When other people see a dead animal, you see somethin' special. Somethin' beautiful. You make it beautiful. You're kind. And funny. And thoughtful. And I think you're perfect.
CN: 史黛西·伊丽莎白·查普曼,知道我为什么爱你吗?你爱看恐怖片,就算害怕到睡不着觉,你还是照看不误,你聪明伶俐,你是数学天才,你热爱大自然,你热爱制作动物标本,你是艺术家,别人眼中的动物尸体在你眼中是特别的,是美的,你能把死物变美,你心地善良,有幽默感,善解人意,‎在我眼中你是无可挑剔的。


EN: "I paint what I see" is a painter's maxim, and one that reveals to us the many layers of our world. Because behind everything beautiful lies the dark. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what about the horror? We ascribe these visions to a feverish imagination. A whim, a folly. But what if they are not? What if they are a careful record, a warning, or a family album?
CN: “我画我所见”是画家的金科玉律,为我们描绘出这个世界的错综复杂,毕竟美好的事物都有其阴暗面,美与不美,全在观者 ,那可怕的画面又该怎么定义呢?我们将视觉感应到的画面归结于狂热的想象力,灵光乍现,或是没来由的念头,但如果源头不是这些呢?如果源头来自一个文献,一个警戒,‎或是来自一本家族画册呢?

EN: The darkness, the ugliness, the corruption. Suffering is living. We cannot let sympathy or altruism shield us from finding the truths of this world.
CN: 黑暗、丑陋、腐败,生命和痛苦是一体的,我们不能让同情心或是利他心,理‎阻碍我们寻找这个世界的真理。

EN: It's my business…to catch the undertones of the soul. You won't find those on artificial streets, on man-made lands. If there are any ghosts round here, they're the tame ghosts of a salt marsh and a shallow cove.
CN: 我有义务去捕捉灵魂深处不为人知的色调,这种色调是无法在人工筑造的街道,以及土地上找到的,真要说这个世界上有幽灵,它们都是被驯服的幽灵来自一滩死水,来自一个毫无深度的洞穴。


EN: What happens when the collector becomes the collected? When a ruthless wonder hunter finds someone or something with a will, a hunger far greater than his own?
CN: 收藏家变成了收藏品那会是什么情景?下手不手软的猎奇者碰上牢不可拔,好奇心比自己更重的猎物‎会有什么结果?

EN: The bottle then fell to the ground during the Nankaido earthquake of 1946, chipping it here, as you can see. Yet it remained intact. It made its way across all that chaos, all of that potential destruction, longer than many human lives, to us here tonight, in 1979, for us to share and enjoy. Fifteen hours later, they all woke up naked in a ditch. It was worth it.
CN: 1946年,昭和南海地震期间这瓶酒掉落在地上,造成这部分缺了一角,你们都能看到,但酒瓶仍旧完好无损,经历风风雨雨,越过重重险境,它竟然活得比许多人类还久,1979年 今晚它来到我们眼前,供我们享用,品鉴,15个小时后 他们醒来发现自己裸体躺在水沟里,那也是值得的。

EN: There's a void inside of me, you, everyone. An endless abyss. And everything you collect, every success, everything you take to shrink that void down…none of it works. It's like a…Like a black hole. Everyone has a black hole inside of 'em. What I want is for mine to stop eating everything up all the time.
CN: 我心里有个空洞,你、所有人都有,那是一个无底洞,你所收藏的一切,你所有的成就,所有用来填补那个空洞的东西,都没用,那个空洞就像个…像个黑洞吗?每个人心中都有一个黑洞,我只希望我的黑洞‎别再吞噬周围的一切了。


EN: "They roll like a drunken fingerprint across the sky."
CN: ‎“宛若微醺醺的指纹划过天际”

EN: What's the one word I always mention when anyone asks me why I'm drawn to birds? You laugh about it. Freedom.
CN: 每次人们问我为什么喜欢鸟,我都会提到一个词知道是哪个词吗?你每次听到都会忍不住笑,就是"自由"。

EN: I have worked harder than any of those men who sail through the halls of Cornell thinking they're God's gift.
CN: 我比那群男人更努力,他们只会大摇大摆地走过康奈尔大学的走廊,还自诩天才。

EN: Not once through this horrible mess of a year. I try…and I try, and I just feel you slipping away. I want more than anything in the world for us to stay together, but I don't…
CN: 在这愁云惨雾的一年之中你一直都把我置于门外,我试过了,我真的试过了,感觉上你已经离我越来越远了…这世上我唯一的心愿就是跟你厮守终身,可是我不...

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