Great Expectations


Great Expectations (Original Title)

根据狄更斯的小说《远大前程》改编而成。费因是个贫苦的孤儿,在极其偶然的情况下,他进入神秘的Paradiso Perduto庄园——那是州上最富有的女人丁斯默尔的家,成为她和她的侄女艾丝黛拉的座上客。


There either is or is not a way things are. The color of the day. The way it felt to be a child. The feeling of saltwater on your sunburned legs. Sometimes the water is yellow… Sometimes it's red… But what color it may be in memory. Depends on the day.

People tell you the eyes are the windows to the soul. Bullshit. Hands… That's the sign of a gentleman.

Perhaps you've had that brush with a world so large that you seldom or never saw it again.

You have to go to New York. It's the center of the art world. If you stay here, you'll end up painting coconuts for tourists.

What kind of creature takes such a thing? Such a gift? A trust? Who does this? Takes advantage of a 42-year-old woman? What kind of creature leaves this woman waiting like a fool? A man. A man does this. So men must pay. Am I right?

Ms. Dinsmoor as my secret benefactor sent me to New York to draw, to have the girl, to have it all, and I looked out on the great city as so many before which held it all, and it was that close… and it was mine.

We recognize it, like love--completely undeserved.

Tonight all of my dreams came true, and like all happy endings, it was a tragedy of my own device, for I'd succeeded. I had cut myself loose from Joe, from the past, from the Gulf, from poverty. I had invented myself. I had done it cruelly, but I'd done it. I was free.

I always had… from the first instant. And the rest of it… it didn't matter. It was past. It was as if it had never been. There was just my memory of it.

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