EN: It's a crappy movie. You turned it into a masterpiece, you turned Kirk Douglas into a great actor.
CN: 这是一部糟糕的电影,是你把它变成了杰作,你把柯克·道格拉斯变成了伟大的演员。
EN: You used to dream of being on stage. Used to...Just imagine...The curtain goes up, you're standing in the spotlights and you say...You recite...King Lear's monologue. "Blow, winds...Rage, blow!"
CN: 你也有过舞台梦,想想看...帷幕升起,我们站在聚光灯下,你看着我说...你在朗诵...李尔王的独白...“像这样的狂风暴雨,谁也受不了”。
EN: In the USSR they couldn't go to the cinema and watch new American movies. Now they have the chance, but they still can't go.
CN: 在苏联,不能去电影院看美国电影,现在有机会了,他们还是看不到。
EN: I never thought I'd be saying this, but I miss the Soviet censorship.
CN: 我从没想过还能看到这些,我甚至开始怀念苏联的审查制度。
EN: No one deserves to watch a movie in crappy quality just because he was born in Russia. He deserves to sit in a movie theater with air-conditioning, with good sound, popcorn, like every human being.
CN: 没有人因为出生在俄罗斯,就只能去看一部劣质的电影,他应该去电影院,空调,音响,爆米花,人人平等。
EN: I'm willing to give one theater only to Russians. Because they deserve it.
CN: 我愿意针对俄罗斯人开一个剧场,这是他们应得的。
EN: The voice I fell in love with...turned into the voice of a whore.
CN: 我爱上的声音...变成了妓女的声音。
EN: You're funny, full of life, cute. I'll also tell her that...when you look at a woman her heart starts beating a little faster.
CN: 你,风趣幽默,充满活力,善解人意,我还会告诉她...被你注视的女人,心跳都会加快...令人神魂颠倒。
- Do you remember what you told me on our first date? Why our work is so important? Do you remember? Each movie is like an entire world and we enable people to enter those worlds.
- I wanted my life to be an entire world but it's nothing. I wanted to be the main character, but...I'm not even a supporting one. I'm just...a voice in the background.
- 你是否记得,我们第一次约会时,你是怎么说的?为什么我们的工作如此重要?还记得吗?一部电影,一个世界,我们要打开电影的世界之门。
- 我也希望...能生活在电影的世界...结果什么都没有,我想当主角,结果...配角都不是,只是...在影幕之外的一个声音。
There once was a painter
He had a house and canvases
But he fell in love with an actress
And she loved flowers
He sold his house
Sold all his paintings
And with the money he got he bought
A sea of flowers.
Give it to me between my legs!
A million red roses
You see from the window
If he's really and truly in love with you.