Golden Slumber

Golden Slumber

ゴールデンスランバー (Original Title)

Two years ago, Masaharu Aoyagi (Masato Sakai), a young man who lives in Sendai, became a local hero when he rescued a popular actress named Rinka (Shihori Kandjitani) who was threatened by a mugger. One day, he receives an invitation from his college friend Morigo Morita (Hidetaka Yoshioka) to go fishing with him, so he gladly goes there...


- Do you know what a man's strengths are? 
- No... 
- One is his habits. And trust. Habits and trust.

Listen, Aoyagi. Run. If you have to, crawl your way out of here. Escape at all costs. Stay alive. As long as you're alive, there's a way.

It's Golden Slumbers from Abbey Road. It's a song about the way you once took home. It reminds me of the fun we had in college. When I hear get back homeward I remember how we were back in those days.

Look what the Americans do. How many civilians are killed in the hunt for one terrorist leader? This is not America. Thank God it isn't, too.

It's a golden slumber...Golden Slumbers...A Beatles hit. Slumber means sleepy...Sorry but I did spike the noodles. You'd better rest, Aoyagi.Rejuvenate. Life as a fugitive is tough.

Just now when you split the chocolate in half...You checked which was bigger...And then gave me the bigger half.

I have connections with the underground...if you know what I mean. To be precise the sewer has two pipes. One's the storm drain. And the other one's for sewerage. If it's a fine day, use the storm drains. In some places, they're big enough to walk through.

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