Gentlemen Prefer Blondes by Stanley Mason

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Original Title)

Lorelai and Dorothy are partners on stage and in life, and together they attract the attention of many men. One day Lorelai boards a ship bound for France, where they meet a man named Gus. As time goes by, Dorothy falls in love with the kind-hearted Gus, but Lorelai is obviously helping her best friend to find another "golden boy".

EN: You know,you're the only girl in the world that can stand on a stage with a spotlight in your eye and still see a diamond inside a man's pocket.
CN: 知道吗,你是全世界唯一一个站在台上被聚光灯照着眼珠,还能看见一个男人衣袋中的钻石的人。

EN: Dorothy's not bad,honest. She's just dumb. Always falling in love with some man just because he's good looking.
CN: 多萝西并不坏,真的,她只是笨,总因为男人英俊就爱上他。

EN: I keep telling her it's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor man. But she says,yes,but if they're tall,dark and handsome she never gets around to vital statistics,until it's too late.
CN: 我一直在告诉她与有钱人恋爱和与穷人恋爱一样简单,她总回答是,但是假如他们高大黝黑又英俊,她就找不着北了,直到为时已晚。

- Why the sudden interest in valets?
- When a man has "and valet" after his name, he's definitely worthwhile.
- 你怎么突然对男仆有兴趣?
- 如果一个男人的名字后面有“及男仆”,他绝对值得下手。

- You don't want to wind up with a loveless marriage,do you?
- Me,loveless? That's right! Because if a girl's spending all of her time worrying about the money she doesn't have, how is she going to have any time for being in love?
- 你不想以无爱的婚姻作为最终归宿吧,是吗?
- 我,无爱的?对极了,因为如果女孩把时间都花在担心钱的问题上,她哪会有时间谈恋爱呢。

EN: Piggy. A girl like I almost never gets to meet a really interesting man. Sometimes my brain gets real starved. It's a terrible thing to be lonesome,especially in the middle of a crowd.
CN: 佩吉,我这种女孩似乎注定碰不着有趣的男人,有时我的脑袋真的一片空白,孤寂是非常可怕的,尤其是在人群之中。

EN: Such a little flowery hand. Please,put that back. So sweet,so tiny,and yet it can hold a human heart.
CN: 娇嫩的小手啊,请把它放回原处,如此甜蜜、弱小,却能抓住一颗男人的心。

EN: There's no other millionaire in the world with such a gentle disposition. He never wins an argument,always does anything I ask and he's got the money to do it with. How can I help loving a man like that?
CN: 没有一个有钱人有他那么好脾气,每次吵架他总是输,我说什么,他便做什么,并且他还有那钱去做,我怎能不爱这样男人呢?

EN: Don't you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You might not marry a girl just because she's pretty. But,my goodness,doesn't it help? And if you had a daughter wouldn't you rather she didn't marry a poor man? But I was just you'd want her to have the most wonderful things in the world,and to be very happy. Why is it wrong for me to want those things?
CN: 你不知道男人有钱和女孩漂亮是一回事吗?你也许不会只因为一个女孩漂亮就娶她,但天啊,那也是个优点啊,如果你有个女儿,你也不会想让她嫁个穷人吧,但我只是你会希望她拥有最好的东西并快乐的生活,那我想要那些东西有何不对呢?

♪ We're just two little girls From Little Rock ♪
♪ We lived on the wrong side Of the tracks ♪
♪ But the gentlemen friends Who used to call ♪
♪ They never did seem to mind at all ♪
♪ They came to the wrong side Of the tracks ♪
Then someone broke my heart In Little Rock ♪
♪ So I up and left the pieces there ♪
♪ Like a little lost lamb I roamed about ♪
♪ I came to New York and I found out ♪
♪ That men are the same way everywhere ♪
♪ I was young and determined To be wined and dined and ermined ♪
♪ And I worked at it All around the clock ♪
♪ Now one of these days In my fancy clothes ♪
♪ I'm goin' back home and punch the nose Of the one who broke my heart ♪
♪ The one who broke my heart ♪
♪ The one who broke my heart In Little Rock ♪
♪ Little Rock,Little Rock Little Rock ♪
♪ I learned an awful lot in Little Rock ♪
♪ And here's some advice I'd like to share ♪
♪ Find a gentleman ♪
♪ Who is shy or bold ♪
♪ Or short or tall ♪
♪ Or young or old ♪
♪ As long as the guy's a millionaire ♪
♪ 我们只是来自小石镇的小女孩 ♪
♪ 我们住过普普通通的地方 ♪
♪ 但那些曾打给我们的绅士朋友们 ♪
♪ 似乎一点也不在意 ♪
♪ 他们来到那普普通通的地方 ♪
♪ 然后某人伤了我的心,在那小石镇 ♪
♪ 所以我抛开旧伤离开那里 ♪
♪ 像个迷途羔羊般四处游荡 ♪
♪ 我来到纽约然后发现 ♪
♪ 哪里的男人都一个样 ♪
♪ 我还年轻,想被好酒美食和皮草围绕 ♪
♪ 所以我一刻不停,为之努力 ♪
♪ 在某一天,我穿着华丽 ♪
♪ 衣锦还乡,去痛扁那让我心伤之人 ♪
♪ 那让我心伤之人 ♪
♪ 那让我心伤之人,在那小石镇 ♪
♪ 小石镇,小石镇... ♪
♪ 在小石镇,我见过太多丑恶 ♪
♪ 在此有些建议我要分享 ♪
♪ 找个绅士 ♪
♪ 管他害羞还是鲁莽 ♪
♪ 矮小还是高大 ♪
♪ 年轻还是衰老 ♪
♪ 只要是个富翁就好 ♪

♪ The French are glad to die for love ♪
♪ They delight in fighting duels ♪
♪ But I prefer a man who lives ♪
♪ And gives expensive jewels ♪
♪ A kiss on the hand May be quite continental ♪
♪ But diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪
♪ A kiss may be grand ♪
♪ But it won't pay the rental On your humble flat ♪
♪ Or help you at the auto mat ♪
♪ Men grow cold as girls grow old ♪
♪ And we all lose our charms in the end ♪
♪ But square cut or pear shaped These rocks don't lose their shape ♪
♪ Diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪
♪ Tiffany's! ♪
♪ Cartier! ♪
♪ Black,Starr,Frost,Gorham ♪
♪ Talk to me,Harry Winston Tell me all about it! ♪
♪ There may come a time When a lass needs a lawyer ♪
♪ But diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪
♪ There may come a time ♪
♪ When a hard boiled employer Thinks you're awful nice ♪
♪ But get that ice Or else no dice ♪
♪ He's your guy when stocks are high ♪
♪ But beware when they start to descend ♪
♪ It's then that those louses Go back to their spouses ♪
♪ Diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪
♪ I've heard of affairs That are strictly platonic ♪
♪ But diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪
♪ And I think affairs that You must keep liaisonic ♪
♪ Are better bets If little pets get big baguettes ♪
♪ Time rolls on And youth is gone ♪
♪ And you can't straighten up When you bend ♪
♪ But stiff back or stiff knees You stand straight at ♪
♪ Tiffany's ♪
♪ Diamonds Diamonds ♪
♪ Diamonds Diamonds ♪
♪ I don't mean rhinestones ♪
♪ But diamonds ♪
♪ Are a girl's best ♪
♪ Best friend ♪
♪ 法国人喜欢为爱而死 ♪
♪ 他们喜欢为之决斗 ♪
♪ 但我还是喜欢活人 ♪
♪ 能送我贵重珠宝 ♪
♪ 轻吻手背也许是高贵礼仪 ♪
♪ 但钻石是女孩最好的朋友 ♪
♪ 亲吻或许甜美 ♪
♪ 但它不会给你付房租 ♪
♪ 或帮你买车 ♪
♪ 男人会变得无情 就像女人会变老 ♪
♪ 我们最后都会失去魅力 ♪
♪ 但不管星形还是梨形 这石头都一样有型 ♪
♪ 钻石是女孩最好的朋友 ♪
♪ 蒂芙尼 ♪
♪ 卡地亚 ♪
♪ 布莱克 史塔 弗罗斯特 高汉 ♪
♪ 跟我说话吧 哈利·温斯顿 告诉我吧 ♪
♪ 也许有时情妇需要一个律师 ♪
♪ 但钻石是女孩最好的朋友 ♪
♪ 或许有一天 ♪
♪ 没良心的老板,也会夸你很美 ♪
♪ 但给我钻石,否则收声 ♪
♪ 股市上涨时他是你的男人 ♪
♪ 但股票下跌时就要小心 ♪
♪ 他们便会回到老婆身边 ♪
♪ 但钻石是女孩最好的朋友 ♪
♪ 我听过柏拉图式的爱 ♪
♪ 但钻石是女孩最好的朋友 ♪
♪ 我想还是保持纯精神的爱 ♪
♪ 免得年轻人都弄到了钻石 ♪
♪ 时光飞逝 青春不再 ♪
♪ 背弯了便不再能直 ♪
♪ 但不管是弯腰或是驼背 你都可以直立于 ♪
♪ 蒂芙尼 ♪
♪ 钻石 钻石 ♪
♪ 钻石 钻石 ♪
♪ 我不是指冒牌货 ♪
♪ 但钻石 ♪
♪ 是女孩的 ♪
♪ 最好的朋友 ♪

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