- 我还以为我们的交往,是建筑在感情之上,想不到,原来也只是一盘生意。
- 讲感情也要给钱啊。
- I think our relationship is based on love I can't imagine that, it's just business
- You need money before you love.
- 我还以为国家已将我忘了
- 怎会呢?就算是一张卫生纸,一条内裤都有它本身的用处。
- I think I was forgot by the country.
- No way, even a piece of toilet paper is useful to us.
Have you read the story of Wah Tor, the greatest doctor of China. Once Kwan Wan Cheung was playing chess during an operation. Now, I am going to watch blue tape under an operation too.
Bad boss, bad fellows I can't imagine your fellows are more greedy than you. What a shame to stand in front of the words "Faithful to our country" If you, the nasty evil, still exist in China, our people won't have better lives.
I am a wise guy, In fact, what I am wearing...are hair dryers too. You know, being a spy, outlook is very very important.
Han was a great hero But time didn't give him chance...
- 这不是一支普通的电筒,这是毋需电池的太阳能电筒,在有光源的情况下它会发亮
- 如果没有光源呢?
- 绝对不会亮
-No, this is not a common torch It needs no batteries but a solar torch When there is light, it'll light up.
- But if there is no light, will it light up too?
- No! Never.
I've told you many times, I'm called Da Mansi!
你别以为躲在这儿我就找不到你,没用的 像你这样出色的男人,无论在哪儿,就好像漆黑的萤火虫一样,那么鲜明 出众,你忧郁的眼神...唏嘘的须根...神乎奇技的刀法...和那杯Dry Martine...都彻底地将你出卖了,不过 你虽然那么出色,但是行有行规 无论怎么样...昨夜的风流帐你一定要付,召妓想不给钱吗?
Don't you think that it's safe for you to hide up right here? It's useless, an attractive man like you...No matter where you hide, you are always obvious and outstanding! Your blue eyes...Your mandom look...Your great skill in chopping...And your glass of dry Martine...They betray you! But, although you are so wonderful, we have our own regulations, no matter what, you have to pay for you did last night Why didn't pay me after hooking?
算了吧 怎么说...他始终都是一个独一无二风度翩翩的猪肉贩。
Forget it. By the way...He is a very special and handsome pork vendor.