EN: I don't understand this town. It's like something's choking everybody… only they don't know they're choking.
CN: 我不了解这座城镇,好像有某种东西在掐着大家,只是他们毫无自觉。
EN: "I'll sing to you of silver swans, of kingdoms and carillons. I'll sing of bodies intertwined underneath an innocent sky."
CN: "我唱着雪白天鹅的诗歌,王国的钟声已响起,在那纯真的天空下我的歌声让众人交织在一起"
EN: We're not living in the goddamn Middle Ages. We got TV, Family Feud. We're not stuck in Leave It to Beaver land here.
CN: 这里可不是中世纪,现代有电视,还有家庭问题,不是你想上什么妹子都可以。
EN: "David danced before the Lord with all his might… leaping and dancing before the Lord."
CN: "大卫穿着细麻布的以弗得,在耶和华面前极力跳舞,极力… 在耶和华面前极力跳舞"
EN: Leaping and dancing. Ecclesiastes assures us… that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to laugh… and a time to weep. A time to mourn… and there is a time to dance. And there was a time for this law, but not anymore. See, this is our time to dance. It is our way of celebrating life. It's the way it was in the beginning. It's the way it's always been. It's the way it should be now.
CN: 凡事都有期,天下万务都有时,笑有时,哭有时,哀恸有时,跳舞有时,所以是时候废除这条法律了,我们有权跳舞,这是我们庆祝生命的方式,也是人类打从开天辟地以来,就流传下来的庆祝方式。
EN: "From the oldest of times, people danced for a number of reasons." They danced in prayer… or so that their crops would be plentiful… or so their hunt would be good. And they danced to stay physically fit… and show their community spirit. "And they danced to celebrate." And that is the dancing we're talking about.
CN: 自古以来,人们跳舞有很多原因,为了祈祷而跳舞,希望不管是打猎或农作物都能大丰收,人们跳舞 也是为了强健身体,并提振周遭的士气,庆祝也是人们跳舞的原因",这才是我们口中的跳舞。